SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Read online

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  "But you can't deny you're into him. I saw how you looked at him from a far. So, let's have a deal, I'll court Caroline. Then you go with that guy. If we both fail, let's settle with each other."

  Chloe laughed at Nate' idea. It's kinda stupid but actually fun. So, without thinking, she nodded and they walked towards Jesse and Caroline. When they reached them, she suddenly had the urge to back-out because she now realized how non-sense Nate's idea was. But she's already too late. "Mr. Reed, if you don't mind, may I have a dance with your sister?"

  Jesse let go of Caroline and faced her. "May I have a dance, Ms. King?"

  That's weird. He's cold as a freezer. He laid out his hand and she gladly reached it. He put one of her arms over his shoulder and he placed his hand on her waist, while the others are intertwined. She never been this close to him for a week.

  Well, that's because she's hiding in her parents' house. "Really? Ms. King? What happened to ginger now? Oh, wait don't tell me, that's nothing, right?"

  Okay, that's so bitchy of her. But she needs answers. Up until now her heart is still aching after what Jesse said last weekend. It felt like he humiliated her in front of their friends. She needs to know if he's just joking. Whatever his answer is, she'll respect it. And just move forward. She will not confine herself in thoughts that will surely destroy her.

  "I thought you don't like it when I call you Ginger? If you're uncomfortable with Ms. King, then Chloe. And look what I said last week, it wasn't meant to hurt you. I just said that because I was scared."

  He looked at her straight in the eyes. And he's right, his eyes say it all, he's terrified. But of what? Is this what he said to Rebeca? That she's too good for him? That I'm better off without him? If that's what he's thinking, then maybe his right, she was never enough for anyone.

  She bit her lip and think of anything to say. When she had nothing, she stood away from his hold and went to the balcony. She needs air. She needs to breathe. Is this what she gets for trying? For risking? She knows from the very beginning that these feelings can hurt her. And she's goddamn right. Now she's paying for it.

  The chilly air wraps her and since her gown is off the shoulder, she can't help but shiver. She held on the railing and lean on it while looking at the garden below her. She can still remember how she run around that garden being chased by her parents.

  She's carefree, thinking of nothing else but her Barbie dolls. But now, she's suffering from her first heartbreak with a man who was never hers to begin with. Chloe can feel tears running down her cheeks. Her chest is aching and she's having a hard time breathing. She tried her best not to make a sound, just letting at her tears escape her eyes.

  Chloe felt a presence beside her but she didn't bother to know who was that. She's sure it was Jesse because she felt him followed her earlier. She wiped her eyes and stayed silent. There's nothing left to say. When he told her that he was afraid, she knew exactly what that is trying to convey.

  Worry that her parents must be looking for her, she turned around to go inside, but she was stopped when Jesse held on her arm. She stilled and didn't say anything. She's waiting for him to say something. Hoping that he will take back everything he said. He went in front of her and held both of your cheeks.

  "Do you want to know what I'm so afraid of? The fact that you won't like me back. When I first saw you, your ginger hair is the first thing that caught my attention. I'll always remember that day, August 13, 2014. I will always love that day. On that day I met a girl who was so fun to be with but feisty at the same time. The first time you held my hand in the school cafeteria, I know you did that to make the other girls jealous. But it doesn't mean anything to you.”

  “When we first kissed, I thought there was something between us. I was so happy that night and thought 'Finally, I can court her.' I was happy that you didn't kicked me out of your room when I slept in your bed. But you slapped me the next morning. Every time you cling your arms with mine, my heart races uncontrollably, but I tried to keep my cool. And when you kissed me last week, that held me off guard. But then I saw you smirk after that, I immediately thought you're just playing. That you're just proving that you're not scared to kiss any guy you just met. You scared me."

  Her throat hurts because she's doing her best not to cry. She should know better than to trust this guy. Her mind is telling her to pull her face off him told and walk away, but her heart and body is telling her otherwise. She doesn't know what to believe anymore. She's feeling a bit happy because of what he said, but there's still doubt inside of her.

  "You're lying. Last week, on the resort. You told Rebeca you don't like me. I heard you. And do you know what that made me feel? I wanted to drown myself that time because the man I like doesn't like me back. I know it’s stupid but that’s what I want to do. And now you have the nerve to lie in my face, saying all these things just to erase my anger. If that's your motive, stop it because it's not working." Her tears that she's been holding finally escaped her eyes. Yes, she already said she likes him. It's now or never.

  "Yes, I like you. During the school fair, when I saw you, I quickly approached you even if I will look stupid. Even if Caroline said you're not what we need. I didn't listen to her. What's important to me is to get to know you. When my audition tape was lost, I didn't hesitate to check the security, only to find out you took it. I was happy, because I thought by that you're trying to get my affection. And you succeeded.”

  “During the auditions, when I saw Caroline put a low grade on your score sheet, I was afraid that you'll never make it to the team, so I cheated and made the grade I gave you even higher. Because I know, by that, we can spend more time together. And those times I held your hand that caught you off guard, I did that for myself, not just to make the other girls envious of me. That was just an excuse for you not to notice that I'm feeling something for you." She is now crying her heart out. But she knows this is the right time for him to know the truth.

  Jesse just stared from her for a couple of seconds, or minutes, she doesn't know. Then what felt like eternity suddenly stopped when she felt Jesse's lips touched her. She just stood still; she didn't move nor tried to reciprocate what he's doing. This is the third time they kiss and nothing is happening to them yet, not even a small progress.

  But her control is wearing thin, without thinking, she kissed him back. Jesse step back and lean her on the balcony railing. They were kissing as if their life depends on it. They kept doing that until they needed air to breath. She was panting as well as Jesse. After a couple of seconds, she finally gathered herself. Jesse was looking at her intently with pleading eyes.

  "Ginger, no, Chloe. Chloe Celestia King, I want to court you. Would you let me?"

  She was startled by what Jesse asked. She doesn't know what to say. Where in the world did that come from? Maybe my spit has a poison that maybe him crazy. "What?"

  "I said I wanted to court you. But before you say no, which I know you'll do, or you might say yes, I hope, whatever. I already spoke to your parents about that and they agreed. They love me so much. And besides, they wanted me to be their son when my mother died, so if you agreed, you'll grant my greatest wish and you'll get rid to the guilt your mother was feeling because they let me slip her fingers."

  That made her eyes widen even more. She talked to her father about courting me? What the hell? And he agreed? She cannot believe her father did that. "You did what? Jesse, tell me you're joking."

  Jesse makes his eyebrow rise and look at her with a smile "Do I look like I'm joking. Just answer me. The question is not that h---"

  "Yes, I agree, Jesse." she nodded.

  He quickly hugged her and lift her up that make her squeal a little. When Jesse was about to kiss her again, they heard her father's voice.

  "Chloe, we need to talk."

  Oh no!


  Let the Magic Begin

  Chloe was sitting at the back of the classroom, spacing out. Thinking about what her father told he
r last night. Her parents really support her relationship with Jesse. Well, she hasn’t even told him that she wanted to be his girlfriend.

  Chloe is still absorbing everything he said to her last night. She wanted to tell him now that he's answering him, but she doesn't want to rush things between them. And besides, she knows Jesse is not going anywhere.

  The happening last night is still lingering in her head when Jesse nudges his elbow to hers, and that's when she realizes the entire class is looking at her. And their professor, Ms. Adelyn Shallows, is also looking at her with her eyebrows raised. "I was asking a question Ms. King, but it seems like you're busy with your daydream."

  She cleared her throat and sat up straight. She has no idea what the question was, so she looked at the board where the phrase 'Opera: Origin' is written. Still, she doesn't know what in the world about the origin of opera are the talking about.

  "When and Where." Jesse whispered will covering his mouth with his hand.

  Life saver.

  "Opera was first originated in the 16th Century if I am not mistaken, in Italy. Then it spread all over the world like for example in Paris in the 17th Century. "

  Everybody faced Ms. Shallows who is still looking at her weirdly. Why, did I get that wrong? She quickly scrambled through her thoughts and tried to remember if what she read on her books was correct. And before she knew it, the professor speaks. "Very well Ms. King. As for all of you, I want you all to listen to what we are trying to discuss here. Don't sour the mood of this class, if you're not interested, you're free to leave. Don't be like those students who wishes to ruin their family's legacy by spacing out in my class. Do not be such an embarrassment. Do you all understood?"

  Excuse me, what was that? Is she implying something? If she's not mistaken, she's the only one in this class who has their parents as the school's alumni. Yes, spacing out during her class was wrong. But for her to say that in class and embarrass her is not right. Her blood is boiling. She was about to stand up from her seat and let out her anger when Jesse held her arm.

  "Chill, don't make a scene." He pulled his chair close to her and reached for her hand. That somehow calm her, but she's still mad at what that woman said. Just because she's a teacher and she's older than the earth itself doesn't mean she has the right to embarrass anyone she wants.

  She leaned on her chair, trying to calm herself. She looked at Caroline who was three seats away from her. Caroline waved at her and mouthed 'Are you okay?' then she shook her head as an answer. She closed her eyes and listened to what the old lady is saying in class. She's listening attentively on what's going on still with Jesse so close on her side and with her eyes closed.

  Chloe suddenly opened her eyes when something cluttered loudly. And all eyes were on her once again. What did I do this time?

  "Ms. King, earlier you were spacing out, and now you are sleeping in my class. I think it's best if you visit the Detention Office, don't you think?"

  Jesse stood up and spoke to the old lady. "Ms. Shallows, with all due respect, Ms. King is not sleeping in your class. She's just not feeling well."

  "And do you think I'll believe that? Who are you to defend her?"

  She grabbed Jesse's arm and tugged him to his seat.

  "Dude, you don't have to defend me. But yes, Ms. Shallows, Jesse was right, I am not sleeping in your class. And to prove that, I can answer the question you gave Veronica which she obviously didn't answer. The piece Madame Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini was one of the famous opera pieces ever performed. It's about a young lady named Cio-Cio-San who married Lt. Benjamin Pinkerton, who happens to be a part of the U.S. Navy. And to make my story short, the two had a baby, then this Pinkerton guy went on a trip, married an American lady, and the new was broke to Madame Butterfly by her handmaid. And that led to her fortunate death, she suicides."

  And before the professor spoke, the bell rings announcing lunch time. She stood up from her seat and pointed at the door. "And that, everybody, is our cue."

  She waited for everybody to exit the room before grabbing Jesse by the hand and head out of the room as well. Caroline walked by their side too and they're headed to the cafeteria then to the school park. But before she steps her foot out of the room, the evil granny spoke. "May I have a word with you Ms. King?"

  Jesse nodded at her and let go of her hand. "Go on, I'll find us a seat at the park." He and Caroline walk out of the room leaving her with her nemesis of the day. What a great way to start my week!

  She faced the evil granny/scary professor/old lady with no emotion in her face. Called it pride, but she just doesn't like it when people embarrass her. Especially by people who thinks they can do everything just because of their age.

  "Ms. Reed, I like that you prove yourself today by being attentive in my class despite your..." she seems like hesitating with her words because she paused mid-sentence. "condition. But I know your parents won't be that happy to know that I sent their daughter to Detention Office for being disrespectful. Remember, your parents had a huge reputation in this University during their time, and I know they don't want all of their hard works being tarnished by their child who is a little bit... defective. "

  Defective? What?

  "Ms. Shallow, I don't know why my family's 'legacy' is so important to you. But maybe you should do your research and know that my family doesn't like being humiliated in front of a crowd. We also have a big issue when it comes to people belittling us. So, to protect my family's 'legacy' we should avoid doing stuff like what you did earlier. And to correct you, I'm not defective, and I'm sure as hell not disrespectful. Just to those who disrespects me as well. Regardless of their age." She winks at her and turned around.

  Chloe was about to open the door but she forgot to say something so she looked back only to see her raising her feather-thin eyebrows at her. "Have a great lunch." And by that, she heads to the cafeteria to grab her lunch. After that she head to the University park where she saw Jesse and Caroline sitting on the table, looks like they connected four tables again to accommodate all of them. The crew is complete which makes her happy because she has something to discuss.

  Ashley was the first one to see her, who animatedly waved her hand at her. "Finally, Chloe is here. What's the tea? We heard you're one of Ms. Shallows’ victims today. Tell us, I really want to strangle her."

  "She called me out on class because I was spacing out earlier. Then she accused me of sleeping when I just had my eyes closed, then embarrassed me in front of the class." She told everyone while eating her nuggets and fries.

  "Well, not really in front of the class because we're sitting at the back." Caroline added.

  Everybody looked at her and asks tons of things. "No wonder she didn't get married." Katherine said that made every one laugh.

  She sighed and wiped her hands with a tissue. She grabbed her purse and retrieved her notepad inside of it. "Okay, so enough with the creepy granny drama. I've talked to Mr. Clarkson this morning and he told me that we can now start with our activities. Our only problem is we don't have funds. Therefore, we have to come up with ideas for this fund-raising event. Place your suggestions, then let's have a vote on it."

  Their table was very loud, but the good thing is their noise is for a good cause, unlike the table beside them who had couples who were flirting in the open. Ideas are everywhere. Nadine, who was the secretary of their team is having a hard time keeping up with them. After a few minutes, all their ideas are tied.

  Blake raised his hand and said "Maybe it's best to have a week-long fund-raising event. Since classes ends at 4 pm, we can start the program at maybe 5 here in the park. Then every day of that week, we have different activities." Everybody nodded at Blakes suggestion.

  "Maybe on the first day we could have a movie viewing. The next day, we could have a small boutique with basically anything at here at the grounds. After that on Wednesday, we could do the rave party thing that Kayla and Brit suggested. On Thursday we could arrange some game night like a bowling
game at the bowling alley near the campus. Lastly, on Friday we are going to have a concert that people will surely like." Allie suggested.

  She asks everyone if they all agree and luckily, they did. "I'll also reach out to some of the alumni if they can donate a little fund for us."

  "So, when is this happening?" Jesse asked. That is one of her problems, they have to do that next week. They have to start rehearsing and gather everything they needed for their planned events.

  "Mr. Clarkson wants it to be held next week, that is why, we have so much work to do. Those of you who doesn't have class after lunch or doesn't have any for the rest of the day, go home and start planning everything. And the rest, head back to your class you only have five minutes left."

  Everybody left the table and went to do their respective tasks. She, Jesse, Caroline and Jake went to their class. They all have the same class with Mrs. Clarkson, Mr. Clarkson's wife. They all took their seats at the back of the class and busied themselves with today's activity. They spent two hours for that class. After that slow, agonizing two hours, they finally headed out of the class.