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SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 7
SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Read online
Page 7
Caroline's words silenced her. The affection she had for Britany is no equal. Over the past two years, she saw how head over heal in love Caroline is to Britany. Even if people judge them because they're different, nothing stopped Caroline from fighting for her. And that is why she adored Caroline; she will fight for everything she loves. But this is too much. The pain that this love is inflicting on her is unbearable.
After finishing their lunch, they head out of the restaurant and do mask hunting. She wants to have Caroline preoccupied. She's thinking of ways on how to stop the pain her friend is feeling. She can help in any way she can, but the truth is, the final action is still on Caroline, she knows she cannot dictate what her friend is feeling.
She drove their way from Beverly Hills to Sunset Strip. They're going to hunt for masks that will go well with their gowns and after that, they'll drink 'til they drop. As they drive around Sunset Strip, she can't help but think if this is going to be a great place after college. Clubs are scattered everywhere in the area, so it is not going to be difficult to find performers that will be part of her dream project. She could've just move to Hollywood, but she is not yet confident enough to compete with the productions there.
Sunset Strip might be a good idea but she always dreamed of living in Europe. She'll just wait for whatever her next chapter unfold before going into conclusions.
At 6 pm they finally found the perfect mask for tomorrow's party. Now their sitting on a barstool on their first destination drinking martini. The music is blasting through the speakers but Caroline and her doesn't care. They keep ordering drinks from the bartender until their tongue searched for other drinks to taste.
"You know, Chloe, I just think, if you don't want to end up like me, you have two options: One, date my brother. Or two, look for someone handsome on the dancefloor. Go, leave me here, I can handle myself. Enjoy your night, I won't leave here."
"No, I won't leave you here. I'll stay and besides it much better to drink not to dance. And I don't feel like talking with someone anyway."
Caroline nodded and continued drinking. It's their fifth bottle already but they're still standing strong. "You never said anything against dating my brother. Do you want to date him? I'm okay with it, so if you two get married, we're finally sisters."
She sighed at what her friend said. As much as possible, she doesn't want to talk about Jesse. What he said on the beach still lingers her mind and hurts her still. It's best to keep her distance from him and avoid talking about him.
"I told you, there's nothing to talk to about us. If you're thinking something is going on between us, that's nothing."
Chloe continued drinking, she can already feel her head spinning but that didn't stop her. Her sight is still clear so she can still drive. "Come on, let's get out of here. Let's go somewhere else."
Chloe literally dragged Caroline out her seat and out of the bar. It took her long enough to find where she parked her car because it's already dark outside. The neon lights wrapping around them is not really helping and just hurts her eyes. When they reached her car, she hopped in and started the engine. She drove until they reached a club called Olympus. It has a huge neon sign at the top of the two-story building.
People are coming in and out of it. From her car her can hear the Jazz music coming out of the club.
They went inside and head to the bar. They place looks so girly yet vintage. It looked like a small vintage opera house that was redecorated to look like a club. Luckily, it's not a strip club, more like a cabaret. "We'll get to cosmos please, thank you." The bartender gave her a smile then obliged. Caroline is talking to someone sitting beside her. That's fast. Well, she can't really blame her friend, she's very friendly.
When the bartender placed the glass in front of her, she quickly took a sip. "What's up with this club? What's so special about it? Your place is jammed pack." She asked the waiter.
"Brit is performing tonight. Well, she does every night. But every Saturday night, she's opening and closing the show. She's the only you'll see perform. Well, except for the backups of course. Saturday night is like Brit day here in Olympus." The waiter named Daniel, as written on his name plate, said proudly. Must be that Brit's man, or fan. Whatever.
"So, this Brit, she's talented for sure. Or else people won't come here to see her, right?" She's being nosy, maybe it was the alcohol talking. Usually, she doesn't care about other people's business, unless she's drunk. Daniel just nodded and went back to his work.
Caroline drank her Cosmo bottoms up and called for another drink. "One more glass please. And one more for my friend here."
The bartender prepared Caroline's order. She looked at her phone for the time, 9:30 pm. The club is filling up with people, some are already standing, while some already exited the area. Then after a while, the place was filled by the music courtesy of the band and everyone was silence. Must be that Brit performing.
She faced the stage where the lights are dimming. Sultry tune entered her ears the same time a silhouette appeared on the stage, the beat given by the band is so energetic and it intrigues her what the next actions are going to be. Caroline is now watching what's happening on the stage as well. Looks like she sobered up because of the music.
"So that is what people are anticipating in this club? Watching a shadow dance?" Caroline whispered on her ear. She just shushed her and gave her full attention on what's happening on the stage. The beat of the drums stopped and as if on cue, a soprano voice was heard from the stage and lights started flashing.
She was shocked to see who Brit was. Her eyed widen as well as her mouth. "So, this is where Britney works? Damn." Chloe and Caroline shared a look and continued watching the commotion on the stage. It is magnificent. The vibes her performance is emitting is so out of this world. No wonder people keep coming back for her.
Suddenly, the music went to a halt and the performers disappeared. Everybody applaud while both her and Caroline are still gaping. Then a few minutes later, someone tapped her shoulder. "I knew it was you, I saw you from the stage but I wasn't sure. Now I am. Oh God, Chloe where have you been? I missed you." Britney gave her and Caroline a hug. She was still shock. Seeing her on stage was something. She was right all along that this girl is powerful when it comes to performing.
"Yeah, wow. We didn't know you work here. That number was so sick, Britney. So proud of you."
Caroline snorted "Yeah bitch, my drunkenness flew out of the window. You're good."
She does, and she can't say anything that will be against it. Britney rocked the stage earlier in her sailor shorts and tight tank top paired with suspenders and black 8-inch pumps. If Britney's tall barefoot, now she looks like a giant wearing those heels. But she looks good in it.
"Just get anything you want girls, drinks on me. I have to go now; I still have a show to run. I'll see you after the show maybe." Britney smiled at them and gave her a sharp look. "Don't you dare escape; I've heard a lot of things. We have tons of catching up to do. See you later."
Chloe faced the bar and ordered a drink. The night went on like that, after the show, the three of them went on and drank until they cannot see straight. They partied wildly, and picked up a few fights with the people bumping on them. They were chaotic, but surely, they won't remember it tomorrow when she wakes up. They're on their fourth club, still drinking. Her head is already pounding. She's sure that she'll be having a severe hang over in the morning. Chloe is having her third glass of margarita, and before she called for the fifth glass, she passed out.
An Alarm clock started ringing, and she search for it then smashed it against the wall. She continued her sleep but then she realized she's on a bed. Chloe quickly scrambled up on the bed and looked at her surroundings. Earth tone walls with her portrait facing her bed. She's in her old room, in her parent's house. How she got her, she doesn't know. The last thing she remembers is partying with Caroline and Britney, drinking tons of shit, then passing out on the bar counter.
She looke
d at her bedside table and saw a note beside a tray full of foods. The note is written by her mother. Fix yourself before we got home, or ur dead.
Yeah, right. As if mother can really kill me. She went up the bed and was about to stand when she wobbled on her feet and fell on the bed. "F****ck. What is happening to me?" Her head is pounding, her vision is blurry and her stomach is growling.
With all her strength, she stood up slowly, then walk toward her bathroom. She's supporting herself with the furniture on her way by leaning her hands on it. In the bathroom, she filled the tub with warm water then settled herself in. She stayed there for a while until her hands are pruney. "I am not gonna drink anymore." She sighed and got up then wore a robe.
Chloe was eating the sandwich on her bed when someone knocked on the door. She went on and open it and came face to face with Emily, the party planner, she's caring a huge black dress box. "Ms. King, this arrived earlier addressed to you."
Then she handed her an antique box as well, "This box also arrived a few minutes ago. Your parents left for breakfast and Ms. Reed is occupying one of the guest room down the hall.”
She was about to shut the door when Emily spoke again. "Ms. King, your stylist will be arriving after lunch. And we'll be expecting your parents in an hour. By 5 pm you should be ready because the party will start at 6 and- "
"I know Emily." she cut her "I know the entire schedule. My mother already told me, okay. Bye."
"But Ms. King -"
Chloe just waved at her and closed the door. She still cannot forget how she called her a maid yesterday. She placed the box on her bed then proceeded with eating her food. She can hear people downstairs and she's sure those were the organizers her mom hired for tonight. After eating her food, she drank her vitamins then finished the juice.
After eating, Chloe went downstairs and cooked Caroline's breakfast. She doubled the portions because a piece of sandwich won't get her until lunch. She cooked Yangzhou fried rice, and a bit of stir fry seafood. Then she made two iced coffee and poured it in a mason jar. Ever since Chloe and Caroline went to Asia for a vacation, they have been very obsessed with its dish. Rice for breakfast is not so American, she and her friend eat a lot so no one really cares.
When she finished cooking, she put everything on a tray then head upstairs. She opened Caroline's door using her feet because her hands are busy caring the tray. Her friend has a bad habit of not locking her door so she didn't bother knocking.
"Rise and Shine, Caroline! Wake up, I cooked breakfast." She placed the tray on the table by the window. Caroline didn't seem to hear her scream so she went to her room and get her megaphone. She asked her mom to buy her this on her birthday last year for no particular reason. Now, it'll be handy.
She went back to Caroline's room then turned on her megaphone. "Rise and Shine, Bitch!" Caroline scrambled on the bed and pounded the pillow on her face. Her hellish headache earlier intensified her a pillow hit her head. She dropped her megaphone on the floor and grab the pillow from Caroline. Now they're pillow fighting. They are screaming so loud that send Emily rushing up the stairs.
"Is everything alright, Ms. King, Ms. Reed? We heard you shouting."
Both of them laugh then Caroline answered, "Yeah we're fine, she just woke me up with a megaphone. And please don't call us 'Ms.' I feel old hearing it." Emily nodded and closed the door. "I can't believe she has the same name as my mom."
Chloe didn't bother answering her and just head to the table and eat. After that, they spent the next few hours watching movie in her room. By 1 pm her stylist already arrived. There were two of them. One for her and one for Caroline. They went with a bit dark makeup to match their clothes. Then their stylist put their hair in a half-up braid.
She's wearing a red gothic Victorian corset dress with black lace sleeves, paired with a red mask that also have a black lace and feathers on the side. With Caroline did a black and pink gothic corset dress. She paired with a black-silver mask that has black autumn leaves on the sides and a twig like design instead of feathers.
They both looked ravishing. They really did the dark look on purpose to stand out on the crowd later. They number of people downstairs are slowly increasing. They head down with their chin up. Chloe and Caroline walked side by side down the stairs and the moment their feet touched the floor; all eyes were on them. She shared a smile with Caroline and walk across the room.
Chloe was walking gracefully when her mother welcomed them. "Good thing you're sober now. We'll be talking later."
She smiled then give her mother a peck on the cheeks.
"Mother, this is an incredible party, don't sour the mood." her mother just chuckled then went to face Caroline. both shared a hug. "Your parents are here; they were looking for you sweetie. Go find them."
They roam the entire house until they found Caroline's parents sitting on their table drinking champagne. And they are not alone, Jesse was there as well. Clad in a black and red Victorian suit, pair with a pitch-black mask that made his green eyes pop. "Mr. Reed, Mrs. Reed, I hope you enjoy my father's party."
"We are, Chloe. You look fantastic in your dress. Looks like you and my daughter are the only one wearing black attire tonight." Mrs. Reed said while touching her mask. "Elijah, let's go dance please."
Mr. and Mrs. Reed headed to the dancefloor and left the three of them sitting on the table they were occupying earlier. She is seated in front of Caroline and Jesse. There is tension in the atmosphere. Awkwardness is felt in every passing second. She forced herself not to talk because she doesn't have anything to talk about. Caroline surely felt the weirdness coating them because she smiled at her.
Luckily, a waitress passed by their table with a tray in hand. She stood and grab a champagne flute from her tray. The program will start in a few minutes, but while everyone is waiting, they opened the dancefloor for everyone to use.
"Chloe King?" a man called her from behind. When she faced him, her mouth slacked open? What a handsome man. But the problem is, who is this? His face is so familiar, but she cannot distinguish the name. Chloe felt like she's seen this man before. Her face held confusion, thinking of the man's name. She tried to speak but she's speechless because she doesn't know how to communicate with him and she doesn't know his name.
"Umm, hey. Who are you?" she chuckled "sorry that was rude. But I don't know your name. Have we met before?"
The man reached out for her hand then placed his lips against it. I'm starting to like this guy. "Nate Tulle. You know? Nerd kid next door. Former neighbor? Remember?"
Wow, so this is what Nate Tulle looked like in person. He's changed. Hugely changed. When they were kids this man looked dumb, but now he looked like a Greek God. She still can't believe how this man had major changes physically.
"Come on, you used to bully me before. With her." He pointed at Caroline who's also gaping at him. "Remember me now?"
Finally, she was able to close her mouth "Yeah, of course. I'm sorry I didn't know that you'll be here. Wow, I didn't recognize you at first."
"Caroline would you like to dance?" Jesse asked. "Come on, let's go."
Jesse didn't wait for his sister's response. He stood up and drag Caroline to the dancefloor. He's in a sour mood tonight. I wonder why?
She faced Nate again and smiled at him. It's really weird to think that the boy she used to bully when they were kids is now a very hot man. But she should know better, he always had a thing for Caroline. So off limits.
"Sorry about that, but he's Jesse. Caroline's older brother. I know, crazy isn't it. Caroline has an older brother."
"Would you like to dance as well? Honestly, there's something I want to ask you that is why I approach you." Nate said nervously.
She smiled then sighed. She gave him a pointed look then pointed above her head. "Lemme guess, yea high, blonde, very skinny, pale, and oh, she's my friend, and her name is Caroline. Yeah? Just like old times, Tulle."
Nate let out a chuckle, "Yeah, ju
st like old times. But please I need your help. I'm still into her you know? After all this year." Nate grab her hands and look at her with his pleading eyes "Please?"
"Make sure you know how to dance well or I'll leave you."
He smiled and lead her to the dancefloor. On the dance floor, Nate placed her arms on his shoulder and they just swayed to the soft music surrounding them. They can see Caroline and Jesse doing the same on the corner of the dancefloor. They were talking, but since they were a little far from her, she was no idea what they're talking about.
"You're into him too?" Nate asks. She looked back at him them shook her head.
"What? No. I'm just worried about Caroline. She saw her girlfriend with someone and it upset her so bad. So, now you have a teeny-tiny little chance of making her your girl. And you have to do it well, because if you broke her already broken heart, with fist will break your face. Capeesh?" She said sweetly but she knows that Nate was threatened because she saw him gulped.