SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 5
Afraid that Jesse might asked about "their spring wedding", she pulled him up and lead him to the crowd, they dance together with everybody else, and it seems effective, it distracted Jesse's mind. He never asked anything about it anymore. They dance until their feet got tired. The number of people on the grounds are slowly thinning.
Everyone walking past her are now drunk, even Jesse who's leaning toward her again. She's a bit drunk as well, but she's still aware of what's happening in her surroundings.
She still has some meetings to attend tomorrow so she went home with Jesse. Their way to the boarding house is very exhausting. Good thing David and Max helped her guide Jesse. The guy is so heavy and if it’s just up to her, she'll drag him home. But she's a good girl so she didn't do it.
After depositing Jesse on the couch, she went up to her room to get ready of bed. She changed her clothes from her dress to her PJs. She sat on top of her vanity table to get a closer view of the mirror. Slowly, she removed her make-up. She loves it her she put color on her face, she feels more confident knowing that her appearance is very presentable.
Someone knocks on her door that made her shock. Then Jesse entered. He still looks drunk. He strides pass her and watch her remove her make up. "What are you doing here, Jesse? Shouldn't you be in your room sleeping?" But Jesse said nothing, instead he took the cotton from her hand and wipe off the makeup from her face.
"This pink lips of yours are so beautiful. Why do women keep on putting shits on their face when they're already beautiful naturally?" Jesse stopped wiping her face and just stared at her, mostly on her lips.
Chloe is being nervous. She's anticipating what might happen now that Jesse is being silent. And without any hesitation, Jesse lean is and kissed her. She thought it'll be just a peck, but he went on for more. The douche-b! She should be disgusted because there's tongue and spit involved, but she seemed to like it. She reaches for Jesse's hair and pulled it slightly. She wanted everything to last, but it all stopped when Caroline knocked on the door.
"Chloe, you there? Goodnight."
Jesse distanced his face from her and gave her a smirk before laying on her bed. "Good night, Ginger."
While she was still sitting on her vanity table, with her eyes widen and her mouth open. Her hand immediately touched her lips. Still can't believe what the heck just happened. Her head is no pounding, so she has no choice but to lay on her bed besides Jesse. She really hopes when she wakes up tomorrow, Jesse is not in her room anymore.
But she was mistaken.
May the Ground Swallow Me
The first week of her classes drain her. Ever since the auditions finished last week, she focused on rehearsal schedules, the competitions they'll join, managing the boarding house, her studies, and her personal life. She juggled everything to make it perfect. And after a few days of doing those things, she can tell that it exhausts her. She always heads out of the house before everyone wakes up, and head home went the lights are already out.
Obviously, she's avoiding someone. And that someone happens to be in an argument with her the moment she woke up the next day. Jesse brought up what happened over breakfast and it certainly pissed her of. Yes, part of her liked what happened, but it was a mistake. So, without thinking, she blurted out word that she instantly regretted. Even their friends had a hard time separating her and Jesse.
Now she's avoiding every one of them, afraid that she might say something inappropriate. And she's also scared that they all hate her because of the attitude she showed them. She never attended any meetings they had for the past few days but Caroline was filling her in with every single details.
As the school bell rings, she scrambled through her stuff and ran the distance between the school park to the main building where she'll endure two hours of boring discussions about screenplay.
She's panting, but she continued running even with her heals. Luckily, before the ring ends, she finally reached her classroom door, just in time before their professor entered. She got in first, so she's not late. She went to the back of the room and sat on the last empty chair. She didn't give anyone attention. Not even the person sitting beside her who keeps on irritating her the whole week.
Jesse is her block mate for this subject and for the whole week, she's been ignoring him which is half irritating, half agonizing. He just doesn't stop. The professor started discussing today's lesson. She gave every inch of her attention to what is happening in front of the class.
She was writing notes on her binder, listening attentively to the lessons, and answering questions whenever she's being asked. And the class went like that, peaceful. But sometimes Jesse will get her attention by tapping her arm or throwing paper over her notebook, all with the same thing written on it.
Ginger, I'm sorry.
She just stares at it for a few seconds and throw it back to him. She wanted this class to end immediately, and good thing they finished the discussion, five minutes before the bell rings. She quickly stood up and approached their professor. "Mr. Clarkson, I submitted a script to you a week ago, how was it? Is it approved?"
The professor faced her, and the moment she saw his face, she knows it won't be good. "Ms. King, I spoke to your co-senior, Caroline. I've been looking for you the whole week, I always don't get the chance to speak to you during times like this because you're always in a hurry. Ms. Reed told me that there is some misunderstanding between you and some of your members. I suggest, you fix your mess first, before I release my statement about your script. Do we have a deal?"
So, Mr. Clarkson knows about the fight I had with Jesse. "Yes, sir. I'll talk to them later. Thank you." With that she left, that is the last class she has for today. Chloe is sure that the others are already at the house, so she went home and everybody looked at her with surprise when she entered the door.
"Chloe!" Everyone rushed to her and gave her a hug. What is happening? She thought they're mad at her because of the fight they had with Jesse.
"We missed you, Chloe. We tried talking to you the whole week, but it felt like you're avoiding us." Katherine said while still clinging to her. She missed them as well. She'd been avoiding them the whole week because she's afraid that they hate her.
Chloe distanced herself from them because they're crowding her. "I didn't show myself to all of you because I was so embarrassed of what I did. I'm sorry. What I did affected the approval of our script so, here I am, apologizing to all of you. Don't worry, I'll talk to Jesse when he's home."
The door opened and in goes Caroline and Jesse, they looked surprise to see her home so Caroline ran the distance from the door to the couch where she's sitting. "You, bitch! How dare you not to show up for the whole week?"
She just smiled at Caroline and walked pass her to get a drink in the kitchen. She didn't realize that Jesse followed her to the kitchen and sat beside her on the island counter. Jesse passed her a beer and both of them started drinking.
"I shouldn't have shouted at you that morning, Jess. I'm so sorry. I was just furious because of what happened. How's your eye? Does it still hurt?" She reached for Jesse's face and looked at his right eye, it's still a bit swollen but it doesn't look that bad, unlike the past few days.
Jesse continued drinking his beer. There was a deafening silence between them for a few minutes before Jesse talked. "You don't have to say sorry, Ginger. I deserve that punch you gave me. The truth is, I should be the one apologizing. That night, I wasn't really... um, I wasn't really d-drunk. I just acted that way because I want you to notice me. Yes, I was tipsy, but I am fully aware of what I am doing. I know what I did was wrong, I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry."
Chloe was shocked. She didn't move a muscle and just remained sitting and staring on the island counter. Am I angry about it? She should be angry at him even more. But surprisingly, she's not. She did like what happened, she just got mad because Jesse brought it up that morning in front of everybody.
It was a lame argument
to be honest, so she decided to drop it before everything gets worst. Finally, she found the strength to move and face Jesse, she took a deep breath and finally was able to speak. "Why did you do that? Why did kissed me that night? Why did you bring that topic up the next day? Why did you sleep on my bed?" Her head is filled with questions that has to be answered. Why would Jesse do that to her if he's not really drunk? Unless...
"Because I like you, Chloe. And I thought you like me as well, but it looks like I'm wrong. Don't worry I won't do anything funny again. But can we be friends? Like before?" Jesse's eyes are filled with hope. And who is she to decline? She wanted to correct what Jesse said but she is not yet ready to tell him that she also like him.
Let's just take things little by little. Just some baby steps.
She nodded at him that made a smile appear on his lips. He went up from his seat and grab another bottle of beer before exiting the kitchen. She was left sitting there and drinking the last bottle of beer on the fridge. She can't believe it. Jesse like her. Wow. She never thought that's possible.
Before, the thought of Jesse liking her is very impossible, but actually hearing it from him, it felt so surreal. Chloe's mind is now jumbled. However, Jesse's confession made her smile. All the while she thought that her feelings for him is unrequited. But she was mistaken. Really mistaken. I think now is the right time to work on my unfinished poetries.
With that thought in mind, she ran all the way to her room and fired up her computer. She's sure, before the week ends. Her last book is finally finished.
Keeping Distance
Saturday. A bit humid. The temperature is very excruciating that is why the team decided to hit the beach. Everyone is present except for Caroline who has some family event to attend, and Britney who has to do a performance for the club where she's working.
So, all in all its just 13 of the girls and 15 of the boys. They're in a coaster van that they rented and is just 5 minutes away from the beach. Everyone is excited, last night they went all out in the grocery store buying all the snacks they want. They also woke up early in the morning to fix the meat that they'll be grilling earlier.
The van is fully loaded with Jesse driving and her sitting beside him on the passenger seat, and the rest of the gang is sitting behind them. The sun is hitting her skin from the window and it is a perfect day indeed to hit the beach.
After 5 minutes, they finally arrived at their destination, everybody rushed outside of the van and left her with Jesse.
They just exchange a laugh and head out of the vehicle as well. Chloe helped Jesse unload their things and head to the cottage they rented. It was a small cottage, but it's homey and cozy. Though it doesn't fit all of them. They decided to setup some recliner chairs in front of the cottage for everybody to use.
"Why didn't you join your family for the dinner?" She asked Jesse while she's setting up the grill. It must have been disappointing on his parents' part for him not attending. But Jesse must have his reason.
"Their gatherings aren't really my thing. I prefer going out with you guys than wear polished suits for agonizing hours." he said then continued setting up the chairs.
He must feel left out by his family to have a thought like that. She pities him. He'd been through so much shits his entire life. Suddenly, she had this feeling inside her that she must stay beside him. And that is what she intends to do, but she's scared. What a chicken?
With that thought in mind, she never left Jesse until they finished preparing everything. Finally, they have the grill working, everybody is enjoying on the water, some are on the chairs laid out in front of the cottage. Chloe went in to change to her bathing suit. She put her hair on a bun and rocked her red two-piece swim wear.
After changing, Chloe went out of the cottage to help Jesse and Rebeca with the foods. She's now famished, now might as well help them to grab a bite. As she approaches them, she can't help but eavesdrop to what they're talking about. She wanted to punch Rebeca when she heard what she's telling Jesse.
"You know, I can see that some of us here are going to date one another. Yeah, for example, Britney and that dude over there, Dave? Da-David? Yeah him. Oh, and Caroline and Max. Then, you and Chloe." Rebeca nodded like what her saying is true and brilliant.
"I think that's possible. But I don't think Chloe would date me. She punched me after I kissed her remember? I'm scared of her, she's very independent, and brave, and confident. I felt like she doesn't need anyone let alone me. And besides, I don't like her. " Jesse said while busying his self with the grill.
She tried her best to ignore what he last said. But maybe he was right. She's no good for him. But that shouldn't stop her from being friends with him, right? She was surprised that he thinks something about her like that. Chloe thought that there is a chance between them. But it seems that she thought wrong.
With a sour mood, she heads straight to the beach and dive. She didn't give everyone surrounding her any attention. She just let herself submerged in the water until her lungs ache. Then she surfaced herself to breathe then submerged again.
Under the water she felt safe. She felt free to broke the tears that has been creeping in her eyes earlier. She's safe among these waters and away from prying eyes and judgment. She didn't know why but hearing Jesse said those words hurt her.
And her she thought after the talk they had, there is now a possibility that something might have sparked in them. But she's wrong, as always.
Chloe let herself stayed underwater until a hand touched her waist. She shrieked under the water as the hands pulled her close. She paddled her hands and feet for her to surface but it's impossible as the person behind her pulled her closely to his body. Chloe quickly turned and kick the man on his nuts and swim fast away from him.
She was swimming for her life until she reached the shore. She's catching her breath and look at the water hoping that she can see who that idiot was. And to her shock, when the man surfaced from the water it was none other than Jesse, who is now smiling like an idiot at her.
She ran the distance between them and pulled Jesse's hair. She's livid. She needs to release the anger she's feeling "Why did you do that, you douche-b. I could have drowned. You scared the shit out of me you brute." She continues to strike his chest with his fist until she got tired and Jesse is just looking at her, still with his irritating smile.
"We were looking for you because it's time to eat. I wonder you might be in the water so I looked for you. I'm sorry I scared you, Ginger. I really am. Let's go get something to eat, I know you're hungry." Jesse draped his arm over her shoulder and the walked together to their cottage.
When they reached the table set up in front of the cottage, she quickly took a seat beside Max and get something to eat. She lightly jumped to her seat when a towel was covered on her back, thanks again to Mr. Douche-b AKA Jesse Reed. He took the seat beside her and eat whole heartedly. Blake passed each one of them an opened bottle of beer to go with their food.
They were having a fun lunch. Sharing stories and laughter. They also ate all their foods from the grilled seafoods to the kebabs. They were all full and is now sunbathing, while some of them are playing board games inside the cottage.
Chloe was on the beach chair, laid on her stomach and feeling the heat fry her. She can see the kids on the beach having a good time playing ball or just basically running. How she envied them. Growing up she used to play alone, she longed to have a sibling but her mother had some sort of ovarian disease that hindered her ability to conceive. So, it was just her, then luckily, she met Caroline. They became inseparable ever since.
Her parents thought of adopting for her to have a sibling but she declined. At a young age she doesn't like the thought of sharing her parents to anyone not blood related. And her parents understood what she wants. That is why her childhood is boring. She dwells her childhood days in learning different musical instruments, voice lessons, studying foreign language, and more. She was also homescho
oled during her pre-school days, then Caroline became their neighbor and that is how they became friends.
Speaking of the bitch, she grabbed her phone below the chair and dialed Caroline's number, it didn't take her long enough to answer the call. In just to rings, she already heard Caroline's voice.
"Thank God, you're a life saver."
"Well, yep that's me. How's the gathering? We missed you here Care. You should have just come with us.
Caroline let out a sigh "My mom is a freaking liar. Remember Nate Tulle? Our weird, nerdy neighbor before. Well, he's changed now; he doesn't wear thick glasses and doesn't looked like a bowling ball anymore. I mean he is so hot now, if you could only see his eyes, oh my god. So, my mother said that we are going to a family event, but she lied. She met up with her friends and she wants to introduce me. Then you know what she said? She wants me to marry Nate. Then I declined. I mean, yeah, his hot, but still. She can't just joke about marriage. I've never seen Nate for like ten years. And Caroline Tulle doesn't have a ring to it, don't you think? And what about Britany? I can't just dump her. Yes, she said we're done, but I know she's joking. Chloe what should I do? I'm freaking out here."