SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 3
Chloe loved seeing the excitement and happiness on these people's faces. With that, both Caroline and her said "Let the auditions begin."
They went to the table in front of the stage and started calling each person. They have to finish the auditions until before lunch and they'll be back tomorrow. Everything is going well, so far, she is amazed of how talented these people are. And she can't wait to welcome them in their family. While she is watching the ongoing audition, she can't help but remember what she did a couple of years back.
She remembered singing a Christina Aguilera song that made her got in. Followed by a piece she got from Les Misérables. It was the best audition she did so far. Then she met Caroline again after a few years of being away. They were inseparable since then.
As the auditions go on, she can't help but think that all of us are unique. We have our own different ways to express ourselves. Like the girl in front of them, Chloe looked at the audition form in her hand to see the girl's name. She's Britney, she's very tall, blonde hair, pale skin. She's beautiful. But her voice is very different. Her singing voice could pass for a man's voice and it fascinates her. She'll definitely going to be in.
She glances at Caroline and she's right. There having the same thought for Britney. She's in.
The people going up and down the stage went on and on, until an hour before lunch. Chloe glanced at her back and see more people. So, before the audition went continue, she went on the stage to speak to the people left. "Hello, we only have an hour left and we'll continue the auditions again tomorrow until the end of the week. We will just go with five more people and we're done for the day. Those people will be Ashley Nicollete, Lauren Celestia, Paul Justin, Katherine, and David. The rest we'll see you again until Friday. Thank you for coming today. Thank you."
The audition went on again with the five people she called. It went well like the others. Today, they get to watch 30 people who showcased their talents, and so far, almost half of them passed their taste. And they still have four more days to accomplish everything and gather at least 50 people for the play.
"Bye, thank you for coming today. Just wait for our call if you're in. Bye!" Caroline bid the five goodbye and sat beside her again. "If, they'll be in." she emphasized. Chloe just chuckled on her friend's bitchiness. Well, bitchy Caroline means stressed Caroline so she just shut her mouth.
They stayed on the hall for an hour more to distinguish the papers of those they will contact, and the rest ended up to the paper shredder. The door of the hall opened and in goes the cafeteria lady with meals on her tray. She put the tray on their table and went out of the hall. "Well, I think we can't eat that now. I mean look at these papers. There're so many." she said.
Caroline agreed so they immediately finished filing the papers they need and shred the one's they don't and after an hour they're finally enjoying their lunch, courtesy of the school cafeteria.
After eating, they clean they're table and head out to of the hall to go to their dorm.
Just as they're about to enter their room, they saw a paper taped on their door with words written in red and capital letters. Caroline looked at her with shocked on her face as she looks at the paper with the word "MOVE OUT" written on it. They immediately went inside their room and scream at the top of their lungs.
"We're having our own house!" Caroline screamed while jumping on top of her bed. While she is on the floor screaming as well. "Oh my god, finally! We don't have to sleep in this room full of bugs."
The boarding house for the HFThespian is now fully renovated and is ready to use. The house is inside the campus and is exclusive for their organization only. On their first year in college, she and Caroline stayed on the house but was forced to move out on their second year because of renovation. And now, on their senior year, they'll be using the house again. Also, they'll be sharing it with the rest of the members of the organization. So basically, it's like a family house, full of drama students.
Chloe went up on her feet, and instantly packed her stuff. They already received a notice so that means they can move out of this room anytime. And that time is now. She is busy packing all their books and photo frames while Caroline is busy on their clothes when a knock was heard from the door. Both Caroline and Chloe exchanged a look before opening the door.
And to her surprise, it was her parents. With boxes of pizzas and champagne bottles in hand. Her parents are one of the school benefactors, Leona and Adam King. Their batch initiated the boarding house idea that they'll use now.
"Oh my god! Mom, Dad? What are you two doing here?" Chloe asked then rushed to her parents to hug them. She broke free from their hold and turned to Caroline to hug her friend as well. After the greetings her parents finally entered the room and settled their selves on the bed to sit because the room is too small to fit a couch.
There was an awkward silence in the room until her mother break it. "So, we've heard that you'll move back to the boarding house so we decided to brought you girls some snacks. And we'll also help you moving your stuff so it won't be a hassle to you." My mom said in glee. It seems like she's more excited to move in the boarding house than her and Caroline.
"Okay, Mrs. King, we'll gladly need the help. And thank you for the snacks." Caroline raised the champagne bottle her father placed on the table earlier. "If this is considered a snack."
Her father laughed at what Caroline said. But it's true, for normal people, champagne is not for snacks. Well, unless your too rich. But her parents are not. But they're weird. Never mind.
"Okay, why don't you help us pack things first. Then we can eat these pizzas when we get to the house? Will that be gre---" she was paused mid-sentence because someone knocked on the door. I wonder who that be? Maybe it's June. Hoping that it will be her cousin, she quickly rushed to the door to open it. But to her surprise, it wasn't June, it's Jesse. "Hey, what are you doing here? I didn't see you earlier at the auditions."
Jesse eyes widen at the mention of the auditions. So, he forgot. "Caroline asked me to buy some stuff for her room, Ginger. I thought I'll make it in time but I didn't. But the audition is still up until Friday, right? I'll be there I promise." he said, quite nervous.
Chloe just stared at Jesse with no emotion in her face. When she saw that Jesse is very nervous under her gaze, she quickly smiled making him confuse. "I'm just messing with you. Yes, auditions are until Friday so you have four more days to prepare." So, it's fun bullying him. I might do that often. She's just staring at Jesse's eyes and she didn't realize that until Caroline screamed her name.
"Chloe, what the heck are you doing, we have to --- oh Jesse, you're here. Where are my curtains?" Caroline stands beside her with her hands on her hips. She's bossy again.
Jesse quickly handed her a bag that contained the curtains. "You should help us packing, brother. And help us move in on our new house. Come in." All of them started packing, while eating some pizzas. It took them three hours to pack everything, and they already finished four out of five boxes of pizza. Jesse and her dad carried all the heavy boxes down the building while her, Caroline, and her mom carried the bags. While descending down the stairs her mom asked questions about Jesse. "So, Jesse is your brother, right Caroline?"
"Yes, Mrs. King. Half-brother actually. He's dad's first born, from his girlfriend. Before mom."
She immediately sensed that Caroline is uncomfortable with the topic so she signaled her mom to stop talking, which she gladly obliged. Even though Caroline is cool with the thought of having a half-brother, she's still uncomfortable talking about it.
They finally reach the first floor where Jesse and her father are waiting in front of their van. My parents are really prepared for this moving out thing. Wow. Caroline and her threw their bags on the back part of the van. They were about to enter the van when only Caroline fitted. The van is already fully loaded. Her mom is already on the passenger seat, her father is driving, Caroline fitted herself on the backseat, and the rest are filled with their stuff.
"Chloe, why don't you just walk with Jesse?" Her father asked. As if I have a choice, right? She nodded and watched the van drive away. The boarding house is just a few buildings away so it won't take them long. She smiled at Jesse and started walking side by side. To light up the mood she asked Jesse about his audition plan. "Are you ready for this week? For the audition, I mean?"
Jesse looked at her and sighed. Did she say something wrong? "Chloe, can we talk about anything aside from the auditions? I want to know you more; I want to be friends with you." He stopped walking and faced her. "Yes, I'm ready for the auditions. But aside from that, can we talk about anything else? Every time you see me all you say is about the auditions you're doing."
That stunned her. She though he was cool with it. Now it seems like she pissed him of. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to talk about with you. I mean we just met, I know nothing about you aside from you’re not so good childhood, and you constantly call me Ginger which I hate. I mean, when you say it, I don't really hate it honestly. I don't know, when I was in pre-school my classmates used to call me that when their bullying me. So, I dyed my hair blonde, to fit in and to stop the bullying. But the color just faded, and I just got tired of dying it."
Jesse looked at her with awe, she just laughed at it and continued walking when she felt droplets dripping on her skin. Looks like it's raining. The sky is getting darker. Both of them walked faster before the rain hit. Luckily, they made it to the boarding house where they saw Caroline and her parent taking out their things from the van.
Jesse rushed to help and so is she. They put every boxes and bag inside just in time for the rain to pour. Chloe, Caroline, Jesse and her dad unpacked their things, while her mom ordered their dinner. She carried a box filled with her books then went upstairs to find herself a room. She chose the one overviewing the campus. It's very spacious, just the right for her who is not really minimalist.
She started putting her books in the shelves located beside the window seat with the help of the ladder she saw laying on the side. As she was putting her books on the top shelf, she stumbled upon her poetry books. These are the books she printed way back her freshman year, and only one copy of each exist. She contemplated on publishing the book but decided not to because she wanted that her true love will get to read.
But it has been 3 years and no one ever read it yet. There are four books written by her, the first one is a teal-colored book titled 'Love Goes Up and Down' which mainly talk about the ups and downs of every relationships, whether its romantic or platonic, or even family relationship, it all has its ups and downs.
The second one, is much closer to her heart as she speaks to god with this book. Also, in a shade of blue with mountains as its design with the title 'Love with Him is Always High'. Chloe believes that if you're in doubt with anything, there is no one better to talk to but Him.
She placed both books on the bedside table and went back to putting books on the shelf. She was enjoying the silence and the chill the rain gives. It's a perfect time for coffee. She stepped off the ladder and head downstairs for coffee. As she ascends down the stairs, she saw Jesse going up with a bunch of bags and a huge box in hand.
"Let me help you." she took the box out of his hold and brought it to her room. "I got this, thanks. Is that all mine?" Chloe asked while looking at the bags Jesse is carrying. He just nodded.
She helped him settle all her bags on her bed then Jesse asked "Do you need anything?"
Chloe nodded. "Can you ask mom to make me coffee and something to bite."
"Or you could bite me instead." he mumbled but it's not too clear to her so she asked.
"What did you say? I didn't get that." she said smirking, because she thinks like she heard it right.
Jesse coughed before he spoke "Nothing, I said nothing. But yeah, I'll tell your mom about the coffee."
Jesse went out of her room while she continued unpacking her things. She has to unpack all of these tonight because she will be busy for the whole week. As she continues to unpack, she can't help but think about Jesse. He's been a good help today; she loves that he can converse with her parents like they've known each other for too long now.
And that make my like for him even stronger.
He has been very attentive in helping us today, she doesn't know why he's doing it. Maybe because Caroline is her sister. Yes, maybe that's is why. But still, it doesn't change her feelings for him. It may seem to be a bit fast, it may be just an infatuation, but who care? No one. Not even her.
"Chloe, I brought you coffee and pasta" her mom entered her room with a tray of food in her hand. She motioned her hand to the table, enough for her mother to understand that she wants the tray on the bedside table. She was hoping that her mom will leave the room, but to her surprise, her mother sat on the bed and watched her unpack her clothes.
"What's the deal with you and Jesse?" her mom asked while looking at her intently.
Chloe chuckled before answering her mom's question "Nothing, he's just a friend, I think. I mean we're not that close, but he's hanging out with us sometimes because of Caroline. I think we are the only one he knows here on campus" she continued putting her clothes on the closet while she can still sense her mother staring at her.
"I like him for you, you know? He's my best friend's son, Ally. Your father and I felt bad for the kid after her mother died." her mom looked at the ground, feeling guilty about what happen to her friend, so she sat beside her and gave her a hug.
"Why does it feel like you're guilty, momma? It's not your fault that she got sick."
Her mom faced her with her gloomy eyes "But we promised to take care of her child, but Jesse looked for his father, that is why we failed. We never saw him again after her mother's funeral. We thought he'll be back, but years had passed but we never saw him again until earlier. I was happy to see him with you and he's in good terms with her sister. You could have meet him soon if he didn't run away."
Chloe felt bad for her mom, she felt guilty because she never took care of Jesse. "Mom, it's not your fault, okay? Jesse chose to ran away and look for his father, and that's is much better right? Finally, after all these years of being alone, taking care of his sick mom, he finally found his father who cherished him and accepted him in his family."
Finally, her mom sobered up from her drama moment and stood up to leave the room. Then in goes Jesse.
"Hey, do you need help? With anything?" Jesse asked.
Chloe nodded and pointed on the bookshelf "You could stack up my books on the shelves, if that's okay."
They were just silent the whole time until she finished unpacking everything. She then went to the desk on the corner of the room to eat her dinner and fired up her laptop. She went to the bedside table to get her poetry books and started making a new one.
She was busy drinking her coffee, which is now cold because it was left sitting in the table for a few hours, when Jesse grabbed a chair and sat beside her.
"So, you write? You plan on pursuing that after college?"
Chloe saw Jesse holding one of her books. The one that is untitled. "I wanted to, before. But now, I want to be a film director. But if I have the time, maybe I'll write more books."
She was nervous when Jesse started reading one of her poems.
"Why do I suddenly hold my breathe. I like this poem. When did you made this?"
"Uhm, just a few days ago, I just finished that this week."
Jesse just hummed, still reading the book. So, she occupied herself by writing her more poems on her laptop. They spend the hour like that, then she told Jesse that she's already sleepy. So, she went to bed as the same time Jesse left her room. It has been an exhausting day, and good thing her parents are here to help her move in to her house.
As she lay on her so comfortable bed, she realized that she was fast asleep and now she's dreaming of Jesse, singing on stage.
Bound to Yo
Day five of the auditions and so far, the hall is not as crowded as yesterday. To her surprise, majority of the auditionees today are mostly male. She still can't see Jesse among the crowd, though she is sure that he will come today.
She is busy reading the audition forms when Caroline called the next auditionee.
"Hello everybody, my name is Jesse Graham-Reed."
At the mention of the name, Chloe immediately looked up to see if she heard right. And she did. Standing up the stage is Jesse who's looking intently at her. She gave him a smile and waited for him to start.
Jesse nodded at her and closed his eyes as the familiar music filled her ears. Bound to You by Christina Aguilera. That is the song I used for my audition. She looked at Jesse with shock on her face. Then his deep baritone voice haunted her ears.
Sweet love, sweet love.
Trapped in your love.
I've opened up, unsure I can trust.
My heart and I were buried in dust.