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SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 22

  What if something bad happened to them? She doesn't want them to be in danger, but what if they are? This is what she's afraid of, her parents disowning her because she left them. Maybe they're just busy? Yes, they are just busy. She should not overthink things. It'll be bad for her mind.

  She waited for her parents to arrive. Chloe is patiently waiting for them in the living room. But when the clock strike at six pm and the house is still empty, she started to lose hope.


  New chapter begins

  Finally, her graduation day is here. Chloe is now readying herself for the program later. She's done with her hair and makeup and now it's time for her dress.

  She'll be wearing a white knee length, off the shoulder lace dress. And on top of that is her red graduation gown. She's finally set to hit the stage later and rock the world tomorrow.

  When she's satisfied on how she looks, Chloe went down the stairs and into the living room where her friends are waiting.

  Half of them is wearing their graduation gowns while the other half are not, those are the people who will be left in the boarding house.

  Luckily, all of their senior this year are going to graduate, unlike the past years where they are forced to repeat another year because of poor grades.

  They all went out of the house and posed in front of the door. It'll be their last photo as a group and it has to be perfect. All of them find their spot and posed at the camera, courtesy of Shawn, who is a very good photographer.

  First, he took a picture of all of the seniors then next all thirty of them. She still cannot believe that there are thirty of them. They are very crowded in front of the house, so they all went out and head straight to auditorium.

  "Chloe, I can't believe we're finally graduating. Can you believe it? I mean wasn't it just yesterday when we enrolled for this school, then we auditioned, and that was like four years ago. What do you think will happened to us after this?"

  Caroline clung her arms around hers and is feeling jittery. She cannot believe it as well. I felt like it all happened so fast.

  "Nobody can tell what will happened in the future, Caroline. But one thing I'm sure for is whatever we do today affects it."

  They walked towards the auditorium and opened the door. The moment they saw the place, they can't help but feel nervous and excited at the same time. "Well, me I still can't believe that we are the only one graduating college at the age of 21. By the way, have you seen your brother? He was not at the boarding house earlier."

  "No. Did the professors already told him if he'll graduate this year? I've heard that they accepted his projects but I haven't heard the results from them. Maybe he will, just wait." Both of them separated ways as they need to seat alphabetically. She sat at the middle part of the hall while Caroline is almost at the back. Her seat is next to her brother so she will easily see if Jesse is already here.

  He must be here. There is now way that their professors will fail Jesse, he did everything they asked him to do. The program already started and still, there is no sign of him.

  Where is he? The principal went in front of the stage that made everybody silent. The program is starting, yet he's not yet here.

  "Welcome everybody to this year's graduation ceremony. Today, we end a chapter, and open a new one. We get to see these children create wonderful story, and it's time to let them go to welcome a new one. Everybody, I now give you this year's graduates."

  There were a very boring and long speeches from the school administrations and the school's sponsors who nobody cares about. After all that, they were finally called one by one on the stage to receive their certificates.

  "Chloe Celestia King."

  Why does she have to call her by her full name? She went up the stage to get her diploma and shake hands with tons of people on stage. Her heart is racing with so much joy. Does that mean she's already graduate? Or she has to wait for the program to end? Either way, she doesn't care. She already passed that horrible and very stressful years of her life.

  It's time for her to unwind.

  Chloe went back to her seat and watch as each student walk on the stage. She smiled every time a friend of her is walking up the stage and receiving their diploma. It's making her heart smile that finally; it's not just her dreams are coming true but also of her friends.

  "Caroline Reed."

  She clapped her hands very loud when she heard her best friend's name. On the area were the guests are sitting, she saw Nate carrying a few weeks old Arianne. She's happy that her friend's newly found family.

  Seeing Caroline happy, it makes her happy as well.

  "Jesse Graham-Reed"

  When she heard his name, her head quickly turned on the stage and saw her man receiving his diploma. She clapped loud, giving him all the support, she can give. He made it. He finally made it. And she is so proud of him.

  Chloe saw Jesse went down the stage and went back to her seat. It is not that far from her seat so she's sure he can see her. He set his eyes on her and showed her his diploma so she showed him hers. His smile is so contagious that she can't help but smile as well.

  The program went on for a couple while before they told them that it's over. Finally, she's free from this school. Chloe rushed towards where her friends are circled and hugged all of them.

  It was the best thing she saw lately. "We're graduates!" She can't believe it. They all took a group photo, again courtesy of Shawn, and planned to print it out to display in the boarding house.

  "Hey, Ginger. Congratulations." Jesse said as he wraps his arms around her.

  She reciprocated his gesture "I can't you made it. I'm so happy for you." Chloe can't help but to give him a peck on his lips, not caring if there are people around them. The only thing that matters is them enjoying their time together.

  A person behind her clears his throat that made her let go of Jesse.

  "Mom, you're here. Oh, my God. How did you get here? Did you arrived in time.” Chloe hugged her mom tight. She's very lucky to have everyone she adores on her special day.

  "Leona and Adam picked me up on my house earlier. They're here for you." Her mom pointed someone at her back and there they are. Her parents. She smiled and rush to them. Thank God they are safe. She doesn't know what to do last night when she left their house.

  "Mother. Dad. Where have you been? I was in the house yesterday and you weren't there. I thought something bad happened to you two. You're not answering my call, where have you been?"

  Chloe can't help but to tear up as she looked at her parents. "We went to see your mom yesterday and we spent some time together. And I apologized for everything I said to her. I know it was selfish of me to hide you from your real mom but I was so scared that you'll leave. And now it's happening."

  "I will not leave. Yes, I'll move in to a new house, but I'll always visit, okay? Or you can visit me. We'll see each other. Always."

  Her parents hugged her tight and she enjoys the warmth they give. She's got everything she needs. A new life waiting for her, a loving man who's always beside her, and two moms and a father who'll do anything for her.

  It's everything she could've ask for.

  "Thank you for being here. I thought you'll never come. Maybe we should grab a lunch. All four of us, what do you guys think?"

  "Sure." her mother said.

  "Okay, I'll see you later. I will just go meet my friends."

  She smiled at her parents and went to see her friends. Everybody was present, including Caroline with Nate beside her and her little Arianne on her arms. Her eyes widen at the sight of Caroline's kid. She was so cute.

  Chloe went closer to them and looked at Arianne closely. She looked exactly like her mother. The baby is making weird noises that made all of them laugh. It was a very precious moment, especially for Caroline to show off her child to everyone.

  They all went out of the campus and head to the boarding house to change their clothes but she didn't bother since her parents are alrea
dy waiting for her. She tug on Jesse's arm that made him face her.

  "I'll go have lunch with my parents, you go to the boarding house. I will be back in a few hours. Celestine said their having some drinks on the living room, join them. Have fun." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and rushed to her parents' car where they are waiting for her.

  Their drive to the restaurant was fast and they ate immediately. Her parents still as some errands to do while her mom wants to rest that is why their lunch was cut short. But she enjoyed it and that's what's important.

  She had the best time of her life. Seeing both of her parents getting along and happy is making her happy as well. Elated even.

  This is how she imagined everything. Both her mother’s setting aside their differences and being on he same page for her. Her father finally supporting her despite the doubts she has in her heart. This is everything. Her everything.

  It's the reason why she's breathes and why she wants to continue breathing. That is the only thing she's looking for, someone who'll love her and accept her for who and what she is.

  Back in the boarding house, she can hear commotion happening in the living room from the outside. They must be enjoying their selves too much. She turns on the knob and went inside.

  It was chaotic, bottles are scattered around the floor. Foods are everywhere, and there's a movie playing on the television but no one is paying attention to it. Everything is very messy.

  Chloe sat on the sofa and grabbed a bottle of beer from the cooler beside the table. Everyone is having so much fun, not caring that she arrived. No one seemed to notice that she's back at all.

  She chugged on the beer and just listens to her friends as they talked about non-sense things. It's funny listening to them, especially to those who are drunk.

  "Oh, I remember during the auditions, when they announced the results, Dean shit on his pants when he heard his name called."

  They all laughed as the boys relieve that moment a few months back. That was hilarious, she doesn't know that thing happened.

  Katherine raised her hands and stand so everyone can see her. "What about when Blake asked Chloe to date him but she declined?" Katherine laughed hysterically while all of them are quiet, especially she, Blake, and Jesse. "That was epic. If only all of you seen his face."

  "Awkward." someone said.

  Well, it was. She can't believe Katherine brought that up. Can she really blame her? Katherine is drunk and so is the others, maybe they won't remember anything she said.

  Yes, that's right. They won't remember so it's best to just act as if nothing happened. They all went back to talking non sense and luckily, no one ever talked about what happened to her and to Blake.

  Jesse went to seat beside her and give her another bottle of beer. She just listens silently to what everybody is talking about which is mostly stuff she doesn't know.

  "How's the dinner with your parents? Did it go okay?"

  She nodded. "Yeah, it was. I mean, I don't really expect for my parents to be friends again after what happened but they are and I'm happy for them. How about you? Have you talked to your parents already?"

  "Yeah, I did. Yesterday, my father and I went to my mother's tomb. It was great, I gave them time for their selves even if mom won't answer my dad. And Emily and I already talked. Actually, she gave us something, a graduation gift."

  "And what is that?" Chloe is intrigued about what Emily will give them as a graduation gift. She didn't even had any from her parents.

  "It's a surprise. You'll see tomorrow."

  Okay, if she has to wait until tomorrow then she'll do it. What is that surprise going to be? Chloe can't wait for her to see it. And she can't also wait to start a new life with Jesse.

  Chloe looked at Jesse intently before turning his face towards her. "Can I tell you a secret?"

  "Sure. What is it?"

  She smiled and give him a kiss on his lips. "I love you."


  "Are you ready?" Jesse asked?

  She nodded and hopped inside the car. They are going to have a drive to their new home. And she can't wait to see what's waiting for them in Miami. Chloe took a final glance at the house that's been a home for her in years.

  I'll miss every moment I spent here.

  "Let's do this."

  Jesse started the car and started driving. She's electrified. They'll be driving for tons of hours that means she and Jesse have to take turn driving. They could've fly to Miami, but she'd always wanted to do a road trip. And in that way, she and Jesse could spend a lot of time together which they rarely do now because they don't live in the same house anymore.

  But not anymore. Not they'll be having their own apartment. They can have all the times they want for themselves.

  "Can you look for a drive thru? I'm very hungry." Chloe didn't have the time to eat her breakfast because she was to emotional when she woke up this morning.

  "Sure, what do you what?" he asked.

  "Anything. But I want to have coffee."

  They drove more until they saw a café with a drive thru and ordered tons of foods. Surely, these foods will get them through the day. It's a day and a half drive and they'll only stop for gas and bathroom breaks.

  She has tons of donuts on her lap and she's munching on it whole heartedly. How could I be this lucky? From time to time, she will place a donut or a chip in front of Jesse's mouth which he happily accepts.

  Their drive was like that the whole morning. It was fun. They talked a lot about anything under the sun, eat tons of foods, and sleep. Well, it was just her who slept because Jesse has been driving.

  Chloe closed her eyes and let herself sleep. It was very uncomfortable but she managed to fall into slumber, but only for a while. She doesn't know how long she was sleeping but she knows it's not that long.

  There was a light tap on her shoulder that forced her to open her eyes. It was Jesse. The car is stopped. For a gas, maybe. Or bathroom break. Or probably for lunch. Well, she's starving already, a good lunch will do.

  "Hey, I'll just load the car with gas. Do you want to take the bathroom? We'll take a while before the next stop. You should go to the bathroom." He went out of the car and started filling the car with gas.

  She felt the need to go to the bathroom, so she did. It didn't take her long. Chloe fixed herself in the mirror and head out after. Jesse was waiting for her in the car and they are ready to roll again.

  "I should drive, you rest." Chloe took the driver seat and Jesse oved to the passenger seat. She starts up the car and drove out of the gas station. It was a very long and quiet drive.

  Well, it was quiet since she has no one to talk to. Jesse was sleeping on his seat. So, she took her phone and dialed her mom's number which she picked up after three rings. She put it on speaker mode so she doesn't have to bother holding her phone.

  "Hey, momma. How are you? Have you packed your stuff yet?"

  "Yes, I did. Leona and Adam are helping me with my stuff. They are here earlier but they went out to grab foods for us. How are you and Jesse?"

  She looked at her side to see Jesse still sleeping, snoring even, which she finds so cute. "I'm driving, mom. Jesse is sleeping. We're taking turns driving. And well, it's my turn now because he drove all morning."

  "Well, I must get going then, if you're driving. I still have to put out all of my stuff so I could fly to Miami by Monday."

  "Momma, about that. Carline is going to visit us on Monday, why don't you come with her. They're going to use their private jet; you should go with them. I already told Care to pick you up."

  Her mother was silent for a while.

  "Mom, you still there?"

  "Sure, yes, sure. I'll go with her. Now, I should go. Call me if you're in Miami. Bye. Drive safely."

  "Bye, mom."

  The other line ended and she focused herself on the road. There's an awful traffic and it's pissing her off. Does Miami have the same traffic? I hope not. It was a horrible five minutes of her life.<
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  Luckily, after that traffic, her drive was fine. She's expecting that they'll arrive to the house earlier than planned and good thing they did.

  Jesse woke her up from her sleep and she looked outside her window. This is not their apartment building. Where are they? She looked at Jesse who just smiled at her and stepped out of the car.

  They are in a village. An enormous village. She looked for Jesse who is looking at a Mediterranean house, no more like a Mediterranean mansion. It's like a castle. It was so big and beautiful.

  "Why are we here? Are we going to visit someone in there?" she asked. Chloe is still perplexed as to why they are standing outside this astonishing house.