SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Read online

Page 21

  "Don't drink too much, you're going to clear your room tomorrow." Jesse said as he passed her a glass of mojito. She is going to move out of the boarding house at the end of the week, so Jesse will be helping her pack her stuff. On Saturday, the day after her graduation, they'll be having a road trip from L.A to Miami, were they bought their apartment.

  "Okay, just don't give me too much drink." she took a sip of her drink and watch her friends as they enjoy their time together. She's very excited for what's to come for all of them, especially for her. She can't wait to move in to her new home in two three days.

  "Have you spoke to your mother recently? She asked me if you're okay." Jesse asked. She doesn't know that he's speaking to her mother. Well, when they first met, things didn't go so well.

  "Mom, I want you to meet Jesse. He is my best friend's brother. And he's my boyfriend." She and Jesse are sitting on the couch in front of her mother. And Chloe can feel that things will not go well based on her mother's look.

  "What is your name? How long have you been dating my daughter? Are you feeding her well? Make sure you have a job that will support my girl. Do you have a plan of marrying her? You should be, or else I will put your heart on a platter and feed it to you."

  She's getting nervous, good thing Jesse answered her mother. "I'm Jesse, Jesse Graham-Reed. My parents are Ally Graham and Elijah Reed. We're dating a while now. I don't have a job yet but my father is giving me allowances every week, and yes, I feed your daughter well. Actually, she eats a lot more than I do."

  Hearing what Jesse said, she pinch his side really hard until he wince in pain. She sat up straight on the arm rest of the couch and smiled at her mother, waiting for her to say something. She is staring at Jesse and her face darkened.

  "Ally Graham. As in Allyson Elizabeth Graham? We entered the same school in high school. She was my nemesis back then, she pushed me off the stage because I had the role she wanted. What a bitch. How is she? She okay? Did she and Elijah end up together?"

  "Yes, my mother was a bit bitchy sometimes, I get to experienced that. But no, my parents didn't end up together, my father married someone else without knowing he had me with my mother. And she's dead. Just a few years ago."

  Chloe rubbed Jesse's back to comfort him. She knows talking about his mother saddens him. And she doesn't want that. She wants them to have a good time today and get to know each other.

  "I'm sorry to hear that, may she be in peace. But, since you are still alive, I want you to treat my little girl right, with love and respect, or else, you'll join your mother. And I'm not joking."

  Her mother get up from her seat and went to the kitchen. Probably to get the pastries she'd been bragging about earlier.

  "That talk was good? Right?" she asked Jesse who is just sitting quietly beside her.

  He shook his head any looked at her. "Your mother is terrifying."

  "I thought you're scared of my mom? Why are you talking to her? I mean are you brave enough now to have your heart on a platter?" she joked at him.

  Jesse looked at her with his emotion less face and took a sip of his drink. "I'm not referring to your bio mom, I'm talking about mom number two. She said you're avoiding her and your father. She's very worried, you know."

  "Oh, her. Well, I am not avoiding her, I'm keeping my distance, yes I'm avoiding her. My mother needs me now, my real mother. She already lost too much, and if me spending time with her will make her happy, I'll do that. That is what I'm focusing on these days, making sure that I have all the time that I have for my mom." she drank her mojito straight and looked at Jesse. "How about you, are you in good terms now with Emily? I mean, she's a good person. Maybe you should give her a chance."

  "Sure, I'll do that. For you." Jesse said and passed her another drink.

  Chloe took it and took a sip. "Don't do it for me, do it for yourself. You should give her the chance of being a mother to you, she adores you. I'm sure of it." She finishes her drink and pulled Jesse towards their friends who are dancing wildly.

  They were having fun. Just messing around the bar and getting lost to the rhythm of the music. The sounds blasting from the speakers got them feeling hyped up. All of them are enjoying their last time together. After this, they'll all go on their separate ways and explore each of their new beginnings.

  Maybe some of them will see each other, but most of them will leave Los Angeles. So, it's very impossible for them to see each other very often. But we still don't know what the future has to offer. There'll be a lot of surprises happening in just a few years, and she can't wait for that to happened.

  All of them are having a good time partying. It's very fun to see her friends being relaxed after a very stressful year. They finally had the time to do things they want without the worry of having tons of responsibilities to do at school. They finally had the time to have a rest and not think of things we need to do for our class.

  Her friends all went to the bar and she and Jesse followed them. Everyone had a drink in hand that is why she was forced to order a drink even though she had enough alcohol for the night. All of their friends are planning to get wasted since they don't have anything to do tomorrow. They'll just pack their stuff and they can relax the whole day.

  "Everybody, shut up!" A very drunk Rebeca said while she's raising her bottle of beer. "Okay, so before this night ends, I just want to say that I am very grateful to meet each and every one of you. I am super thankful that I get to spend a year with this family and I cannot wait for more years to come. We are going to separate ways in just a few days, but before that happens, I want you all to know that I am always here for every one of you, and I am looking forward to spending more time with all of you in the future. Here's to us. Cheers!"

  "Cheers!" everybody said and clinked their bottles an glasses with one another. They all took a sip of their drink and they all talked more. It was so much fun spending her supposed to be last time with all of her friends who she treated as family for the last few months.

  It's been one hell of a ride for them and she cannot wait to have more now that they are just a few steps away from their dream career.

  Back in the boarding house, Jesse decided to crash for the night since he's too drunk to drive. He settled in her bed and went to sleep. Chloe went to change her clothes and chugged tons of water. She doesn't want to have hangover tomorrow because she still has a lot of things to do. After fixing herself for bed, she laid beside Jesse and wrapped herself with her blanket.

  She still cannot sleep so she just stared at the ceiling and imagined what her life will be after she graduate. Chloe cannot wait to see the apartment she bought for her mother in Miami. She wants to live close to her mother and since her job is in Miami, she needs to bring her mother with her.

  Chloe was startled when an arm wrapped around her waist. She cannot believe that Jesse will live with her and her mother in three days. They both planned that they'll live together, since both of there job is in the same place, why not live together, right? Jesse is assigned on his father's office in Miami while she was accepted to be a part of a movie that is going to be filmed in the same place as Jessie's workplace.

  All of her plans are coming to its rightful place. The only problem she has is with her foster parents. She is very grateful that she was raised by them, but because of the lies they fed her real mother, she decided to keep her distance from them for a while and turn all her attention to the woman who gave birth to her. If the time is right, she'll be back and fix things with them. And if God will allow it, Chloe wants to have both of her families with her.

  Luckily, her mother didn't have any problems when she said she'll stay with Mary after college. She completely understands her decision but Chloe felt her mother's sadness because of her decision. However, she already had her plans in place and nothing can change her mind about that. They already spent almost two decades with her, it's time for them to let her go and spend some time with her mom.

  Sooner or later, Chloe will lea
rn to forgive them mend the broken bond they have. Forgiveness is never too late, that is what her mother always taught her growing up, and that is what she'll do. But not today.


  Feeling Nostalgic

  "Hey, can you put all these in the car? Those are my books, I already finished packing them." Chloe is packing everything in her room and she's now halfway from putting everything in a box. Tomorrow is her graduation, then the day after that, she and Jesse will drive to Miami and prepare their apartment for her mom's arrival.

  "Sure, anything else you want to put in the car? There's still a lot of spaces in the backseat." Jesse asked as he carry the box of books, she pointed a few seconds ago. She shook her head and continued putting all her stuff in the box and all her clothes in her suitcases. It's very tiring to put all of her stuff in packages.

  It took her half the day to finish everything and after that, she prepared the things she'll use for her graduation. She's excited about what's coming tomorrow. It'll be the best day of her year since she doesn't have to go to school after that.

  Tomorrow, all of them will leave the boarding house, except for those who are not graduating of course. She has a lot of memories in this house. This is where she honed her skills throughout the past few years. She met new friends that became her family. This house has been a witness of every lows and every highs she experienced in her life.

  Next month, she will start filming her first movie and she cannot wait. She cannot believe that a job is already waiting for her, it'll be the key for her to direct her own movies. Her heart is pumping because of too much excitement and adrenaline is rushing through her system. She still doesn't have any idea about what to expect when she started working. Will there be too much pressure? Is she going to have new friends?

  What kind of life will she have outside of L.A?

  She has a lot of questions in her mind but it's best to take things little by little.

  "Chloe?" someone called her from the door.

  "Oh My God, Caroline. You're here." she went to hug her friends who is standing by the door. She missed her so much. It's been a few weeks since they last saw each other. Caroline is looking fantastic today. "I thought you can't go today? Your brother and I already packed you stuff this morning, his going to put it in your car later."

  "Well, Nate's house was five hours away here and I am sure that I'll be late tomorrow if I don't stay here for the night. He's going to bring Arianne here tomorrow, together with my parents." Arianne is Nate and Caroline's baby, and she is so cute. Chloe can't wait to meet her in person.

  "I can't wait to meet her, good thing she doesn't look like you." she said making Caroline pound a pillow on her face. She just laughs at her friend who clearly looked offended by her joke. But it was fun messing with her. "We should head downstairs for snacks."

  Both her and Caroline went downstairs to have some sandwich. As they descend down the stairs, they looked at the picture frames hanged on the wall. It was the pictures of the members of HFThespians throughout the years.

  "Hey, Chloe look at this. We look so young in this picture." Chloe looked at the picture Caroline was pointing. It was their first group photo when they were in their freshman year. "This is James, right? Your ex-boyfriend. Oh, and Ruth, our senior. She's such a bitch. I remember her pouring milkshake on my hair because I got the line wrong. I hate her."

  "We all hate her. I remember her bragging about her being in a TV commercial but she was just shown for like, half a second." Chloe went down the stairs and head straight to the kitchen. There was a sandwich waiting for them and she took some and eat. It was the best chicken sandwich she had.

  Caroline quickly followed her and eat some sandwich as well. They were just sitting silently and savoring the sandwiches served to them. It's been a while since she spends time with her best friend and she's enjoying their time now even if they are not talking about something.

  Before, she and Caroline used to stay here in the kitchen, filling up their bellies with every food they see on the fridge, talking shits about their very bossy senior, and gossiping about her then-boyfriend. It was fun hanging out with her friend and living with her for four years with no one to tell them what to do.

  "I can't believe we're going to leave this place tomorrow, it's hard to let go of this house since we have tons of memories here. When I move to Miami, call me always, okay? I'm going to miss you." Chloe can't help but feel emotional as she looks at her best friend. They've been together since they were little, and now, they are going to part ways to begin new chapters of their lives.

  Maybe that's life, everything always comes to an end. Even if you don't want it to end, you have to let it go to start a new life. To give birth to new beginnings and to let go of every pain you had in the past. It'll be hard at first, but it'll surely pass away in time.

  "Yeah, it felt like it was just yesterday when we auditioned for this group, then we became the directors, then you met my brother, and now I'm a mom. Time really do fly so fast, huh?" Caroline said, still munching on her food.

  Looking at her best friend, she can't help but feel proud of her. She'd been very strong despite the challenges she faced these past few years. It's been a hell of a ride for her and she's still standing strong. And she admires her for that. If it was her, she surely gave up already and just weep in the corner.

  She is far away from Caroline. She may look tough on the outside, but inside, she's broken. Chloe always depends on her best friend; she has been her rock through her rough times. Caroline has always been there for her through thick and thin. And she is very grateful to have Caroline beside her, always. She has been the sister she never had.

  Caroline has been a family to her for as long as she remembers and it will stay like that as long as they breathe and until the afterlife.

  "Can I ask you a favor? Can you please look after my parents while I am away? Tomorrow will be the last time I'll see them. I don't know when I'll be back. Just update me of them, always. Please?"

  "Sure. I'll do that. I'll do everything for you, just always give me a call. That's what sisters are for. Just promise me you'll visit them someday. They're still your family no matter what, and you can't turn your back on family."

  Her friend is right. She can't just turn her back on them, they are her parents no matter what. They raised her to be who she is now, and she owes them for it. Maybe she could give them the closure they needed before she leaves for Miami. It's best to give them a proper goodbye and not just vanish without them knowing.

  "Tell your brother my things are ready to put in the car, I'll just go somewhere. I'll be quick." Chloe finishes her sandwich and head out of the house. She cannot wait for another day to pass to talk to her parents. She needs to do it now. They have to understand why she needs to go away for a while.

  Chloe drove her car to her parents’ house on a speed. She doesn't care if she'll be stopped because of speeding. She needs to talk to her parents now, that's what's more important. But unfortunately, the traffic is not on her side today, she's still a few minutes away from her parents' house and the traffic is bumper to bumper.

  She's sure that her parents are in the house today. Chloe is certain that she will see her parents, but that is impossible as of the moment because of the traffic jam she's in. It's pissing her off. It took her half an hour to get out of that horrible traffic. She stopped her car in front of her parents’ house and went straight inside.

  The house looked empty but she still roamed inside. It's very unusual for their house to be empty. During this time of the year, it is very rare for her parents to travel. And her father is to lazy to go to his office that is why she doesn't understand why her parents are not here.

  Chloe went upstairs to check the rooms, and just like earlier, there's no sign of her parents. Where could they be? She's losing her mind; she needs to see her parents and talk to them. While descending down the stairs, Chloe took out her phone and dialed her mother's number. It just
kept on ringing but it was never answered. She dialed her father's phone and it's the same, no answer.

  What is happening to them? She tried to call her father's assistant to see what her parents are up to lately. It took her a couple of seconds to hear someone on the other line.

  "Hey, Mary Louise. This is Chloe, is my father in the office today? I want to talk to him but he's not home, can you tell him to answer my calls?" She getting anxious in every passing seconds. Why are her parents ignoring her? Is it because she chose her mom over them?

  "I'm sorry Ms. King but your father left early today, he's with your mother. Mr. King never mentioned where they are going but I will pass him your message. Is there something else you want me to do?"

  "No. Never mind, don't call him. I'll just wait for him here. Thank you." She hangs up and waited for her parents in the living room. Chloe is getting impatient. She's been sending them messages and trying to call them but she received nothing. Something is not right, it's very unusual for her parents not to reply to her messages nor ignore her calls. It's really weird and now she's getting nervous.