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SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 2
SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Read online
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"What? Jesse? No, I don't want to work with him. He's my brother, well, half. But still, he's not fitting for the group Chloe." So, it's Jesse. I remember Caroline talking about a brother she doesn't live with. So, this is him.
"Oh, shut it. He'll be great!" She went to talk to the guy who is still looking around him. Hey cutie, eyes on me.
When she finally, got near him, she froze on where she's standing. Oh god, that dreamy green eyes. He's much more handsome up close. God, I wanna marry him. Wait, what? Get your act together, Chloe.
Finally, he noticed her staring at him, no, more like looking at him, not staring, he gave me a smile that made my heart skip a beat.
"Hey--Ginger, need something?" Ginger? Is that me? I liked the endearment but I'll pretend I didn't
"First of all, do not call me Ginger. Second do you sing? Do you act? I am Chloe King, director of the HFThespians, we're looking for actors for this year's play, would you like to audition?" She's hoping that he will agree, but what he said next frustrated her.
"Sorry, Ginger. Not interested. Nice meeting you though." then he just walked past her with a smile on his face.
That douche-b. I cannot believe he rejected me. This is not the last time you'll see me. Good thing Caroline is my best friend, she'll make her talk to her brother. Chloe turned around to head back to their booth to think of ways on how to make Jesse join HFThespians.
We’re Having a Spring Wedding
Two days before the auditions and Caroline hasn't persuaded her brother yet and Chloe is now being frustrated. The moment she saw Jesse, she knew that he can is perfect for the lead actor that she is planning. She cannot depend on Caroline anymore because she is now busy preparing for the audition.
She got up from her bed, get some flyers and tape and went to every floor of the building where she's at. Her main purpose is to give a flyer to Jesse's room, but she'll give every room one to make it not too obvious. She spent more than an hour doing rounds on the building and giving away flyers, even to those who she meets in the hallway.
Finally, her feet stopped on the last room on the tenth floor. Jesse's room. I wonder if he's here.
Chloe quickly taped a flyer on the door and ran away as fast as she can. She was about to turn left for the stairs when she bumped on to someone that made her lose her balance and fell on her behind. That person immediately apologized and reached out his hand for her.
That's when she realized that it was Jesse. And he is now staring at her. More like staring at her lips. Or she's just hallucinating?
"I'm sorry. I should have looked on where I was walking, I didn't mean to bump on you." Chloe explained, she's also kinda nervous because she is not supposed to be here. This floor is for boys only. Strictly no girls allowed. If anyone saw her here, she can be reported.
Jesse smiled at her and get a piece of flyer from her hand. "I was actually looking for you, I would like to ask you about the auditions. Caroline won't talk to me about it, she keeps on telling me to ask you about that, so when will it be? I was actually interested in joining, I just messed with you last week."
Dammit, Caroline. I really owe you.
"The auditions will start next week, the whole week actually. Uhm, you should prepare a song or a dance number, whatever you're comfortable. And memorize these lines for the acting part." Chloe handed him a paper with the lines needed for the auditions. "You need to be there 5 minutes before the auditions starts. We don't like late, well, Caroline is always late, but not me. So, don't be late. Okay?" She is obviously being nervous. She's being talkative when she's nervous.
Why wouldn't she? Jesse is talking to her, and is just a few inches away from her. She's calm outside, but inside she's screaming. How can this man be so hot without even doing anything?
"So yeah, auditions, Monday, at 8 am, on the Thespian Hall. Bye." She quickly went down the stairs afraid that someone might see her in the boy's area. She entered her room and saw Caroline and June talking. That's very suspicious. Caroline and June are not close.
The moment June saw her, she immediately smiled and greeted, "Hi, Chloe. Where have you been? We've been talking about you."
"I was planning my wedding."
"Your what?" Caroline exclaimed.
"My wedding, Jesse talked to me earlier, that's where I've been. We talked, a lot. He asked me something about the auditions, and he keeps on staring at my lips. So, that's when it hit me that, I think he likes me." Chloe is smiling from ear to ear. "So, I decided to plan our wedding today, Oh, we're having a spring wedding."
June and Caroline exchanged a weird look and just listened to her talk about her "wedding".
"Okay, Care, you'll be my maid of honor since you're my best friend. June, you're one on the bridesmaids. And, oh, you girls should help me with the motif, should I go with white and pink or maybe --"
"Chloe, stop. We are not going to talk about your wedding. No motif, no bridesmaids, no anything wedding, okay? What we should focus on is the auditions. And how sure are you that Jesse wanted to be wed with you? No offense, but you just met my brother last week." Caroline is now angry, well that's what Chloe thinks.
Then June spoke, "And besides how many times have you guys talked to each other? Two times? And he even walked pass by you the first time." June was now laughing at her. "If I were you, I'll focus on the auditions you'll held, and put my 'wedding' to the side for the meantime."
She was speechless, she thought that she was going to have some support from her friends.
"June you know what? If I were you, I would shut up, you little piece of shit." With that the three of them started wrestling on the bed until their hearts were contended. Punches were thrown everywhere as they all laugh. Then suddenly, what was supposed to be their wrestling turned into a pillow fight when Caroline grab for her bolster pillow and slammed it to Chloe's face.
"You bitch!"
June was about to push her off the bed, when a knock was heard from the door.
"I'll get it!" Caroline ran, trying to get away from June's punches. "Hey, Jesse"
Jesse's here?
June went to the door to and stand beside Caroline "Are you here to plan your spring wedding?"
Chloe's eyes suddenly widen, and rushed to the bathroom. She locked the door and listened to the conversation happening outside. I am really going to suffocated that two with a pillow on their sleep. She's hearing voices but she cannot completely understand what their talking about. Then moments later, their voice became clear. They must be inside the room now.
"Have you seen Chloe?" that for sure is Caroline.
"She's in the bathroom, Care."
"I think I am interrupting something; I just went here to ask you to dinner Caroline." Jesse said. So, the two has a dinner date. Traitor.
Chloe, you have no rights to be jealous. They're siblings for Christ sake.
She went out of the bathroom and saw Jesse and Caroline talking. Now where did June go?
When Caroline saw her, she instantly gave her a huge smile. "Actually, I can't have dinner with you because I have tons of works to do for school. I still have an audition to hold next week, and the week after that, classes are starting, so I'll be really busy brother."
"Okay, let's just do it some other time, sissy." Jesse stands up and messed Caroline's hair. He was about to open the door when Caroline spoke again. "But lucky you, Chloe here, doesn't have any plans today. You can take her to date, I mean to dinner. And she can also tour you around the campus since you just transferred here. Right, Chloe?"
She was rooted on where she was standing and had her mouth open. She's confused. Why is Caroline doing this? Is she playing match maker?
"Ginger, wanna have dinner?" Jesse asked with a small smile on his lips.
"Okay, I'll meet you in the café downstairs in 30."
"Great!" then he went out of the room. She is now left with Caroline who is looking at her with a grin on her face.
"Why are y
ou looking at me like that, Care? It was your idea. You literally matchmake me with your brother." The scene earlier was really hilarious that she can't help but laugh. Caroline laughed with her as well. They both sat on the bed and Caroline laid her head on her shoulder.
"You, know, I'm so happy. I can't wait to be your sister-in-law, Ginger." Caroline said the word 'Ginger' mockingly then she started laughing and playing with her hair.
She shrugged her head of her shoulder and pulled Caroline's hair. "Don't call me that, you know I hate when people call be Ginger because of my hair. I feel discriminated you now."
Caroline just laughed again and helped her find the clothes for the dinner. If it's up to Chloe, she'll just wear pants and a simple shirt. She doesn't want Jesse to think that she's impressing him. We'll get there, but not now. Says the girl who's planning a spring wedding.
Well, Caroline being Caroline chose a very fancy dress from her closet. It's just a simple dinner for Christ sake. It's not like we're having a dinner reservation on some five-star restaurant.
"Care, maybe no with the dress. Did you see what your brother is wearing? Jeans and a shirt will do. But you could do my make-up. Just don't overdo it, okay?"
Finally, after 20 minutes, she stepped out of her room and went to the café located on the first floor of the building. As she enters the café, the smell of brewing coffee welcomed her. She looked around the area hoping to find Jesse her an arm draped over her shoulder. And to her surprise, it was the man she's looking for.
"This way, Ginger." he said while guiding her to the seat beside the window. She felt uneasy having his arm on her shoulder, and not to mention their bodies are very close. Much closer than the encounter they had on the stairs earlier.
When they reached their table, she quickly took a seat across Jesse, and read the menu. A few seconds after, a waiter came to get their order. She let Jesse order first. But he insisted that she go first, so she did.
"Okay, one club sandwich for me and an iced caramel macchiato." she smiled at the waiter who quickly write down her order. "I'll have the same order as her." Jesse said.
When the waiter left then alone, there was an awkward silence between them. She was thinking that she'll talk first, but decided not to. So, she just stared at the window hoping to see something interesting.
When she saw nothing, she took a glance across her and saw surprised to see Jesse looking at her. Is there something on my face?
At last, Jesse finally speaks. "You should talk, you know. Earlier you were so talkative, but now, you're very quiet. Why is that?"
"There is nothing to talk about really, I mean we don't even know each other aside from you're my best friend's half-brother. There's nothing really." Everything is getting awkward. She's also kinda nervous about this dinner.
"What about our spring wedding? June said something about it." Jesse quickly blurted that made her hold her breath.
Lucky me, the waiter came with the foods. He's a life saver. To save herself from more embarrassment, she diverted the topic. "How did you become half-sibling with Caroline anyway? I mean you're both on the same age, how come your half siblings?"
Jesse stared at her for a while before answering. "Actually, I am four years older than Caroline. My mother had a relationship with her dad before. Then they broke up just as mom realized she was pregnant. She never told my dad. Dad flew to Europe that time to work. That is why I never met him. When I was ten, that's when my mom heard that my dad was already married, to their college friend/classmate, and had a child, Caroline. She never bothered introducing me, she's worried that my father will reject me. So, mom and I lived on our own, with the help of my grandparents. My mom worked as an actress, but only doing extras, then she'll work at night as a waitress on a club nearby."
"My mom got sick a few years ago, cancer. So, I have to stop studying to support her because at that time, I still don't know who my father is. My grandparents are dead that time. Then my mom couldn't take the pain anymore, so she gave up. When she died, that's when I met my father, through my mom's journal. That's is how I learned the whole story about my father. I went to their house that was written on my mother's journal. That's when I learned that I still have a father, and I even have a sibling. Good thing my father's wife is very understanding. She welcomed me to their home even if I insist that I will not live with them. They took care of me, they even had me change my surname to Reed. They enrolled me on a school near their house but I wasn't happy, so after I finished that year, I transferred here."
Wow, she didn't know he had that kind of story, to lost your mother is very heart shattering. She cannot imagine what it's like to lose a parent, especially a mother. "I am sorry about that. I shouldn't have asked."
"No, it's okay, I want to share it. I want you to know. So, don't feel bad about it, okay?" Jesse said while smiling at her.
How could a man who suffered too much smile like that? He'd been through enough. She can't help but feel bad for him. Luckily, her parents are still alive to take care of her. Chloe lost her appetite because of what Jesse shared to her. She looked at him who is eating his sandwich happily, as if he never shared a horrible experience he had.
She just observes Jesse until they both finished eating. After a few minutes, they went out of the café to have a tour on the campus. It's only 5 in the evening so it's still okay to roam around the area. She showed Jesse every remarkable place the university has to offer.
When they finally entered the Thespian Hall, she became a bit nervous but at the same time excited. She wanted to show Jesse one of the hall's sacred room, as she calls it, where you can see a gallery of Heighfield's best directors and performers. Among them are her parents and herself.
"This room is very special for me because it shows the legacies the university had. Like for example, the Kings" She pointed the wall where her family's photos were hanged. "My mom and dad went her at the same time, sometime in the 80's. They were the best performers at that time. So being in this school is really on top of my dream board."
Jesse looked around and stop at a picture near the door. "This is my mother, Ally Graham, I didn't know that she also went to this school before." Because of what she heard; Chloe went to see what Jesse is talking about.
There was a very beautiful woman, she looked like a female version of Jesse. She had the same hair and eye color, but she's paler unlike Jesse who is a bit tan. "She's very stunning. No wonder you looked good."
Realizing what she said, Chloe took a quick glance at Jesse, "Nothing. We should head back, it's getting kinda late."
They both exit the hall and went to their dorm building. To her surprise, Jesse walked her in front of her dorm room that made her heart beat so fast. When they finally reached her door, she faced Jesse who is now looking intently at her.
"Thank you for the dinner, and the time after that, see you at auditions I guess." Chloe had a smile that reaches her eye while talking to Jesse.
"No problem, I'll see you soon. Have a great night." With that he turned around.
She was about to open her door when she saw Jesse walking towards her again. Seems like he forgot something. "I almost forgot; you diverted the conversation earlier about our spring wedding. Let's talk about that tomorrow. Bye again."
Chloe was shocked. She was frozen on her she's standing. Eyes and mouth wide opened. Did he really ask me that? With that, she instantly rushed to her room and head to the shower. It must be my brain messing with me.
The Beautiful People
The audition week is finally here, and Chloe and Caroline are busy with the final touches on the hall where it will be held. People are already outside waiting and if her calculations are right, the hall will be jampacked when the people started to enter. They have 5 minutes left before they start and Chloe is pacing back and forth, nervous about the auditions' outcome.
"Just chill Chloe, we can do this. We are going to be fine, okay? I got you
r back. If things go south, will drink 'till we drop tonight."
"And if we succeed?"
"We’ll drink 'till we drop."
It seems that she doesn't have any choice but to drink whatever happen today. Finally, after arranging the auditionees' files on her table, she and Caroline opened the doors for the people. It is very overwhelming to see such a number of people when she thought that no one is planning to join their organization this year.
It looks like determination is the key indeed. She followed Caroline up on the stage the moment the auditionees were seated on their respective chairs. It was Caroline who spoke first. "Good day to all of you, people of Heighfield University. Today starts the week-long auditions for the best performers of the university."
Chloe smiled at the people watching them before speaking "Today you will show us your best rendition of your chosen opera songs and scenes from your favorite movies. After doing the auditions, just wait for us to contact you if you got in."