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SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 19

  They were both quiet inside the crypt, waiting for the rain to stop. She laid her head on Jesse's shoulder and listened as Jesse hummed softly. Chloe wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight, not wanting to let him go.

  Chloe is enjoying this time they have together. Even if it's a little bit weird given that they are in a crypt in front of Jesse's mother and his grandparents.

  But nevertheless, she's happy that they are back together. That is what's important to her, for them to have a second chance and be with each other again. Now that she has everything she wanted; she swore to her life that she will not do anything to mess it up again.


  Underneath the Spotlight

  Finally, their play week is here. She's been waiting a long time to have this day possible. Every one of them is busy backstage, most of the girls are fixing their makeup and costumes, the boys are arranging all the necessary props and lights for the play, while she and Caroline are guiding the audiences to their respective seats.

  "Are your parents here? Mom and dad are already in the parking lot. They'll be here in a minute." Caroline said while giving her a copy of her script. She doesn't have any idea if her parents will be here or not. They didn't even tell her if they have plans for today. Honestly, Chloe is not expecting them to come, but if they arrived then she'll be the happiest woman alive today.

  She shook her head at Caroline and went back to greet the audiences and guide them to their seats. As she welcomed every person, she was surprise to see Jesse entering the hall with his parents. She smiled at him and guided them to their seats.

  They only have five minutes before the play. Chloe went backstage to see if everybody is prepared. So far, they are. She knows that all of them are nervous as this will state if they could graduate or not.

  Everybody began to get ready on the stage as their time is getting short. She took a peek outside to see if her parents are already there, but their seats are empty. She's done waiting for them, it's impossible for them to attend her play.

  Caroline went on to the stage to introduce the play. She did a great job as the play’s moderator, of course with her assistance since she cannot be stressed too much. After Caroline exited the stage, all of the actors needed for the first scene entered the stage and in a couple of seconds, the play started.

  The seats beside Caroline's parents are still empty. She wanted to give her mother a call but she doesn't want to hear her other says she forgot about the play. That's okay, she guesses, they still have four more days to held up the play, they will surely come anytime. Chloe shrugged the thoughts off and busied herself in the backstage.

  "Lauren, you'll be in there in a minute. Get ready. Blake, get ready to with the lights, okay." Everybody is waiting for their right cues before doing their jobs and so far, everything is perfect. Just like what they've practiced.

  "Chloe, there is a bad news, Rebeca is late, she's still five minutes away from the school she said, but we need her on the stage in three minutes." Daya is panicking. What? There's no one to replace her. Why is Rebeca late? Shouldn't she be at the boarding house? "If it's not a problem, I'll do her part. We can't mess up the play. I'll get ready, I just need your permission."

  She nodded and let Daya enter the stage. She went to get her phone and dialed Rebeca's number but she is not picking up. This is what's scaring her, their play messing up. Good thing, Daya knows Rebeca's role.

  The play went on, actors are coming in and out of the stage. But what makes her heart swell is seeing the audience laugh and cry as they watch what they have to offer. Some of the viewers are outsiders invited by the school. Among them are famous people who is surely going to be the key for their epic futures.

  Their play went on for a couple more minutes and it finally ended. Day one done, four more days to go. The people are finally heading out of the hall and she's thanking each on of them.

  "Ms. King, right? You directed the play?" a middle-aged man wearing a suit caught her attention as he called her name. He looks so familiar but she cannot distinguish where she saw him. "I'm Paul Smith Sr., owner of PS Productions Inc. I enjoyed your play and I was hoping to work with you after college."

  "PS Product- you own that? Wait, I'm sorry, did I heard that right? Paul Smith Sr.? I mean I have a friend, Paul Smith Jr. and he has a sister Ashley, they both worked for the play. Are you related to them?"

  "Yes." Mr. Smith chuckled. "That would be my kids. And they did great in your play. Here is my card, if you’re interested to work in my company after you graduate."

  She reached for the card he gave and thanked him. Looks like her dreams are starting to come true. Chloe can't help but feel so happy that there are tons of career waiting for her. But actually, that is not she wants now. Her parents didn't get to watch her play. And it breaks her heart.

  All her friends are now at the stage celebrating the success of their play, well the first play of their play. Caroline's parents were also there, as well as Jesse. And her parents. They were here? How? They weren't here earlier; their seats are empty.

  "Chloe, there you are. I am so proud of you, sweetie. Your play is very excellent, I'm so proud of you." Her mother gathered her into a hug and she cannot do anything but to hug her back. How did she get in here?

  Chloe let go of her mother and smiled at her. "Where were you sitting? I reserved you a seat and it was empty the whole time. And I didn't notice any one standing." She's still confused of what is happening. Did her parents watched their play or her mother is just lying just to make her not sad?

  "We were sitting at the back, Chloe. We didn't want to disturbed the people watching. And I got to admit, we are a bit late?" her father said as he wraps her arms around his mother.

  "A bit?" Why is she having a hard time believing that. When it comes to her father, the words early don’t exist. He's the king of late. When you tell him to be at the place at five, he'll be there at six.

  "Maybe ten minutes. I don't know. Blame your mother."

  "That's okay. So, how was the play. Did it pass your taste? I mean, I know to myself that the play was good, but I don't know about you. By the way, Paul and Ashley's father approached me earlier after the play, I think he wants to work with me after I graduate. He came me his number. I think he wants me to direct something from his company, a movie maybe or a TV show or whatever, I don't know." she happily tell her parents. They seemed happy too that there are now offers waiting her way.

  She is happy as well that her job will not be her problem after she graduate. She'll be where she wants to be in the future. Directing a project in the most prestigious production company in L.A, to directing her own works, to owning her own production company. That's what she wants for her future. To finally be able to share her story and have it shown on the big screen, or even the screens at home. It'll make her the happiest person alive.

  Her parents continued to talked to her friends and congratulate them with the success of their play. Chloe went to Jesse and hug him tight on the sides. It's been a week since she saw him, they were at the cemetery that time visiting his mother, after that, she'd been very busy with the play and his been very busy complying all his missed activities. He is now staying with his parents which is a bit far on the school so it's very rare for them to hang out unlike before.

  "I missed you. I feel so bad that you are not in the play if only I didn't remove you. I was such a bitch that time." She's still feeling guilty that Jesse was out of the play. If he doesn’t graduate this year, she will never forgive herself for crushing his dreams, or maybe delaying it.

  Jesse hugged her back and kissed her on her forehead. "I told you it's not your fault. I was MIA and you needed an actor on the stage. You saw Billy as a replacement and you did what you think is needed. And that's okay with me."

  Well, even if he says it's okay, for her it's not. She can't still remove the guilt she's feeling. Well, the only thing she can do to make it up to him is help him with whatever Mr. Clarkson t
old him to do.

  "What do Mr. Clarkson want you to do in exchange of the play? Can I help you? I mean I don't have anything to do after the play except for class." She's hoping that Jesse will be said yes but much to her surprise, he says no. No? Why?

  "I can do it on my own, Ginger. Not that I don't need your help. But I don't want to stress you anymore. You've been very busy with this play, plus you still have classes to attend. I can do it. Trust me." He went to talk to his friends and her parents approached her. They've been planning to have a dinner outside, but there's so many of them.

  Luckily, her parents already planned this dinner through and reserved an entire restaurant for them. They all fixed their selves for the dinner and decided to meet up on the parking lot. Jesse and her went to the restaurant first since she don’t have anything to do. They made their way to Jesse's car and drove to the restaurant.

  On their way, she took a short nap just to rest her body. She's aware of what's happening in her surrounding as she didn't let herself sleep. Chloe felt something wrapped around her and she knew it was Jesse's jacket as she heard him scrambled something in his seat earlier. She's happy. This day is very perfect for her. Her parents attended her play, there's a job waiting for her, the first day of their play is a success, and there is no bad blood between Jesse and the rest of the team, especially with Blake.

  When she saw the both of them talking animatedly after the play, she can't help but have a breath of relief. It's weird being around the two of them. One of them is a good friend to her, while the other one is dating her. But good thing, their is no tension between Jesse and Blake and they are still good friends.

  They arrived at the restaurant and waited for the others to follow them. It didn't take them long though; they all enjoyed the dinner served to them and shared laughs and talks. She had a fun time with all of them. Actually, all of them had a fun time.

  This is one of those moments that she craves, a time where she spends it with her family and her friends who are also a part of her family. These are those moments that we can cherish forever. And the people were right all along, families doesn't just end to those whom you share blood. It's with those who is there by your side and supporting you for eternity.


  He’s MIA. Again!

  "Does any one of you seen Jesse in class? He's not in history earlier. Miss Shallows was looking for him earlier but I don't know where he is." she asked. She spent have the day super busy with her classes and still, she hasn’t heard a word from Jesse. Even his shadow is not visible to her.

  Paul gave her a book. It was the one he borrowed last weekend. "He was late earlier in Miss Dianne's class and that was first period. But after that we didn't see him again. Looks like he just vanished."

  That was weird, what is he up to these days? She remembers him being busy with tons of paper works the last time her was here, and that was last Friday. It's been a week and it's very rare for her to see him. Usually, he will hang out here in the boarding house for a will while he waits for his next class. That was his routine until their winter break, but then they came back from their short rest, he's always MIA.

  Does this have something to do with the tasks he's doing in exchange of the play? Is that why he is super busy and always missing? She's getting worried, and as the days pass by that Jesse's routine never changes, she' getting uneasy. There's something inside of her that says he's not in a good condition but the other part of her brain screams he is just busy.

  Caroline doesn't have any idea as to what her brother is up to these past few weeks. She went to her class hoping to see him there since they have the same class. But he was not there. The seat beside her was empty the whole time. She was expecting that he'll go in late for class like what the others said, but he never did.

  In Mrs. Clarkson's class, she was asked a couple of times where Jesse was. But as always, her answer in 'she doesn't know'. How will she know if he is not telling her in the first place? She kept on asking him what keeps him busy for the past month but his always telling her not to be worried about it. But she cannot help but get worried especially when she's seeing him not looking so good.

  "Hey, Chloe, have lunch with us. Everybody is in the park. Let's grab some food in the cafeteria." Dean said as he walked side by side with Billy and Ashley. She just learned a few hours ago that Billy and Ashley were dating and it made her brother Paul crazy that she punched Billy in the face.

  "Sure. How's your bruises doing, Billy? Have you talked to Paul again?" she tried hard not to laugh but she can't help it especially when she saw how frightened Billy was at the mention of Paul's name. She dropped the question afraid that he might cry, or worst, pee in his pants.

  All four of them entered the cafeteria and went straight to the food section to order their food. Lilly, the cafeteria lady, was serving today. She's a very kind woman that is why she and the gang like it when she serves their food.

  She ordered her usual pasta, pizza, and soda. "Hey, Miss Lily, did Jesse go here already? I haven't seen him the whole day?"

  "Why haven't you seen him? You guys having trouble? He haven't ordered his lunch yet, maybe he's not in school. Aren't you supposed to be living together, in the boarding house?"

  "It's a long story, but thanks though." After getting her food, they went outside of the building and looked for their friends.

  At the park, all of them are present in their table. They were all preparing for their final exam which is still a few months from now, but they want to come prepared. There team's ultimate goal is for all the seniors to graduate this year, no one will be left behind. Or maybe one will, until they found out what errands Jesse is running all this time, their goal is unstable.

  She sat on the chair and take out her notes then started reading while she savors her foods. Everyone on the table was quiet. The only noise they can hear are coming from those near their table but aren't in their circle of friends. Some of those who are in their table are either studying for their finals, using their gadgets, or just silently eating.

  It was peaceful, she can concentrate on what she's reading, however, there is still a feeling inside of her that is uneasy. She needs answers, pronto. If she didn't get any answer for Jesse or from anyone soon, she will lose her mind.

  "Does anyone go to class with Jesse? I know I asked you that earlier but I just want to know what if anyone of you does after I asked that." everybody shook their head and went back to what they were doing before she spoke.

  Chloe is on the verge of losing her sanity. She was never that clingy to him, she was never too needy. But there is something in the recent happenings that tells her something wrong is going on. It really is making her feel uneasy. Her mood was soured because of her thoughts.

  "Wow, look who's back. Do you still study here, Jesse?" Mark said while looking at her back. At the mention of Jesse's name, she quickly turned around, and Mark was right, Jesse was indeed here. But something is not right with him. He looked so stressed. There are dark circles beneath his eyes, he looked a bit thinner than usual. His hair is all messed up, not the usual Jesse look.

  He sat in front of her and dug in on his lunch. Jesse looked so hungry as he eats his lunch. What is happening to him? Chloe grabbed her unopened bottle of water and passed it to him. Paul motioned to her that they change seats, so she did.

  "Where have you been? You looked so stressed, are you okay?" She observed him closely, other than his weird appearance today, that's the only thing wrong she sees in him. Other than his messy look today, he seems fine to her.

  "I just have a lot of things to do, but I'm almost done. After lunch I have to attend class then back to work again." He said while eating fast. Good thing he didn't choked on his food. She gave him a bunch of tissue to wipe of his mouth after eating. Chloe is really getting super worried of Jesse's situation.

  "What do you mean work? You’re working at your father's office again?" Chloe asked but she never received any response from Jesse,
instead, he stood up after eating and left their table. Why does it feel like he's hiding something from her?

  After lunch, she went back to the boarding house since she doesn't have class anymore. Chloe went straight to her room and change her clothes. She made her moves fast as she has a special task to do for the rest of the day. After stripping off all her clothes, she when to her closet to grab a shirt and a pants, then she pairs it with flat shoe. Throw her hair in a messy bun, grabbed her bag and head downstairs.

  If Jesse won't tell them what he is up to lately, then she'll have to see it for herself. She's really worried about what is happening to him and if she could do anything to help, she will. Chloe really wants to know what's keeping him busy the entire month.

  Outside the boarding house, she ran towards the parking lot and hopped in her father's car. It's been sitting here for a few months now and this is the first time she will use the car again.

  She just sat there and waited for Jesse to go outside the school. Chloe stayed inside the car until class ended. It was the most awful three hours of her life. But she endured all of it just to know what is happening to Jesse. That's her goal today, found out what he is up to these days and help him in any way she can.