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SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 17

  Yes, she's still hoping for them to get back together but she wants him to make the first move.

  "Well, if you want me to that dinner then you need to let me get ready. I'll see you soon, kay?" she went up from her bed and opened the door for her mom. When she was finally alone in her room, she searched for a nice dress to wear for the dinner and started to get ready.

  After she got dressed, Chloe received a message from Blake. What's up with him? Did he plan already?

  Blake: Jesse's not here, but Care took some clothes in his room yesterday. I put your letter in his room, I slide it under the door.

  So, his not yet home, huh? Does no one tell him she was in Paris? Because if he knew that she's on vacation, he'll surely be in the boarding house by now.

  Chloe: Okay, just let those letters on his room. Call me if he's home. Thank you.

  She kept her phone on the pocket of her dress and went out of her room. Yes, she's been leaving letters, poems rather, at Jesse's room with Blake's help because she's thinking that he will get so see it but the problem is he's not home. He might not come home.

  The elevator door was about to close but she's right in time to stop it before it goes down. She entered the elevator and was surprise to see someone there. She's very sure this is the same man on the plane and the one who rode the elevator with them earlier when they arrived.

  However, the man is not wearing any glasses now, just his hoodie and a face mask. It's really creeping her out so she squishes herself on the corner of the elevator and waited for it to arrive on the lobby.

  Good thing nothing bad happened and she safely. Her parents are already there waiting for her and they all head to the car and drive their way to the restaurant.

  At the restaurant, Caroline and their parents are already there waiting for them. Chloe sat beside Caroline and gave her a hug. There were only six of them but there's seven chairs. She knew it, her mother tricked her. But she decided to play naïve and look unaffected of what's happening.

  "Are we expecting someone, mother?" she looked at her mom who seemed speechless. She looked around the table and good thing Emily answered her question.

  Emily smiled at her before speaking "Jesse might be joining us for dinner. He said he'll run some errands then if there's still time, he'll come here." Okay, this is bad. Yes, she wants so see Jesse again, but not tonight. She cannot do it.

  "But we could start dinner, now right? I mean we don't have to wait for him. As you said he might be here, so that's not sure."

  Her mother gets the attention of the waiter and they all ordered their food. While waiting, her father made the most stupid plan to pass the time, well he thinks it’s brilliant.

  "Okay, since we are celebrating Thanksgiving, why don't we share something that we are thankful for."

  She raised her hand and looked at everybody "I'll go first. Okay, I am thankful that I'm single because that means I can go bar hopping tonight with Caroline."

  "Girl you know I can't" Caroline whispered to her ear.

  Caroline's parents and hers just stared at her awkwardly, especially her father who doesn't have any idea that Jesse and her broke up.

  The thing went on until there food arrived. She immediately dug in her food that made her the first on to finish eating. She made super clear to everyone that she doesn't want to see Jesse tonight which she hopes everybody respects.

  She excused herself and told everyone that she'll go out tonight but before she could get out of her seat, Jesse entered the restaurant.


  I Gotta Get Out of Here

  Chloe immediately ran to the restroom and hid herself from Jesse. He was here. He's really here. But why? In all the countries in the world, why did his family decided to spend Thanksgiving in Paris?

  She took a peek outside and saw the Jesse was already at the table and eating his dinner. Chloe moved stealthy out of the restaurant. It's raining lightly so good thing she brought an umbrella with her.

  The streets are silent and the number of people are wearing thin. This is not how she imagined her Thanksgiving will be.

  She thought that she was ready to be on the same vicinity as Jesse but when she saw him earlier, she knew it's not yet time.

  Maybe it's a good thing that they'll be a part for a while, or

  maybe forever. Chloe is walking on the quiet streets of Paris when she felt her phone vibrating on her pocket. It's Caroline calling.

  "Hey, what's up? How's dinner?" she asked, trying her best to sound happy and not miserable.

  "Where are you? Can we meet somewhere? I really need to talk to you about something. I'm here in the restroom of the restaurant. I told my parents that Nate and I are having a baby and they are not thrilled about it; I need to talk to you please."

  "Okay, I'll text you were. See you there." she saw a bar across the street and went in there. She quickly texted Caroline the address and waited for her there.

  While waiting, she ordered a cosmo from the cute bartender and took a sip from it. The bar is so loud tonight. People are coming in and out of the place. While drinking her cosmo, she can't help but think of the last time she drank at a bar.

  It was with Jesse, on Barry's Halloween party. She hates herself. She really wanted to see Jesse but when he's finally near, her defenses are getting weak and all she just wanted to do is run. She still can't do it. But when thinking about it, it felt like she finally had all the strength to talk to him again.

  It's very frustrating.

  Chloe felt someone sat beside her and when she looked at her side, she saw Caroline. She looks fine to her. It doesn't seem like she didn't have a banter with her family. She looks normal.

  "Are you okay? I thought there was a problem with you and you parents? Aren't you supposed to be crying because they're mad that Nate knocked you up before graduation?" she grabbed her glass of cosmo and drink it.

  "Yes, we did have some misunderstanding earlier but I'll talk to them again about that. That is why Jesse drove me here, I want to ask you for advice, you seemed all hyped about being a mom so I know you'll know what my next steps will be." Caroline asked the bartender for a glass of water.

  "Wait, what?" she asked. She cannot believe what she just heard. She's dead.

  "What do you mean what? You're not listening to me? I said I need advice when I talk to my parents again, you know, about the baby and all that ---" Chloe put her hand in front of Caroline's face to shut her up.

  "No, that is not what I was talking about. What do you mean Jesse drove you here? He's here?"

  "Yeah, he's outside, looking for a place to park his car."

  What is destiny playing here? She's not yet ready to see Jesse now. Maybe not here in Paris. Can't destiny wait for her to come home to L.A? Why does all this happen now? If Jesse is just outside the bar, there is a possibility that he'll go inside the bar because there is no way that he'll let her pregnant sister alone inside a bar, even if she's with her.

  Well, there's no other way to escape Jesse than to lock herself in the restroom again and run when he got in. Just like what she did earlier. She doesn’t care if she'll leave Caroline alone at the bar. Jesse's here, she'll be safe.

  "I'll just go to the restroom. I'll be right back." she took her purse and stood up but Caroline stopped her.

  "You're not planning to run away, are you? Like what you did earlier, you just vanished when Jesse arrive. You know what, I'm sorry. My parents aren't really mad about my situation, actually they were happy for me and Nate. The only told you that they are mad at me is because I am looking for a chance that you and Jesse could talk. I know it was a very lame alibi but I want you to be happy too, like me. I can see that you are not yet ready so I'll tell Jesse and you're not here anymore and we'll just leave, okay. You don't need to run."

  Caroline hugged her before exiting the bar. Now she messed up, totally messed up. How could she let her best friend be in the middle of this? She deserves better. She doesn't need to fix whatever's
happening between her and Jesse but here she is, playing the superhero role just like what she used to do every time.

  She was left in the bar still drinking, but now it's vodka not cosmo. She's being a chicken again, a coward. Why can't she just set her fears on the side and face him once and for all? Surely it will not hurt that bad. She knows in her heart that she already forgave him. That it was not his fault because it was the slut bunny who kissed him and not the other way around.

  But Jesse is not making a move. That is just what she's waiting for. For him to make a move. She wants Jesse to talk to her first because she knows that she won't say anything pleasant to the ears if she's the first one to make the move.

  And now she's having second thoughts. What if Jesse leaves her for good because she kept on running. Well, if that happens, there's no one to blame but her. It will be her fault now if Jesse leaves her. She swears when she got back to L.A she will talk to Jesse. But while she is here in Paris, she will gather all her thoughts so when the two of them finally face again, she knows what she'll say.

  Chloe stayed a while at the bar, thinking of the smartest way to do when she saw Jesse again. But she got none. She just got bored to she heads back to the hotel. When she walked out of the bar, she walked on the quiet street of Paris, Chloe decided to walk to the hotel since it was not that far. They just used the car earlier because they were already late.

  There was a presence behind her, she can feel it. Chloe picked up her pace and crossed the street. And yet the presence behind her was still there. There were a few people walking along the street as well that made her have a breath of relief. If that someone behind her tried something funny, the people will surely see it and will try to help her.

  She took a glance behind her and saw that it was a man. The very same man that rode the plane with her. She knew that he was creepy and now he's stalking her. Chloe and already see the hotel building from where she is standing so she picked up the pace even more.

  It's already creeping her out so she decided to enter the shop beside the hotel. In that way, she knows that she is safe. She was panting, she never felt that nervous in her life. Well, except when she did her first play. But this is different, this is a life and death situation.

  After a couple of minutes, she went outside the shop and entered the hotel. While walking towards the elevator, she brings out her phone to text her mother if they're already in their room. But she didn't get any reply, instead, she received a message from an unknown number.

  Keep safe, always.

  That's the only thing on the text. The number used was unfamiliar to her. Whoever that might be is just close to her because she doesn’t give out her phone number easily. Even most of her friends doesn't have any idea of what her number is. This night is now getting really creepy.

  When the elevator doors opened, she stepped inside and closed the door using the button. In that way, no one will harm, she'll be safe because no one is riding the elevator with her. She read the message she received again and tried to call the number. It was just ringing, no one answered her call.

  Chloe quickly entered her room as soon as the elevator doors opened. She literally ran her distance to her room, afraid that someone might strangle her while she walks. She scrambled through her purse and looked for her key card. It took her a while before she should it.

  After opening the door, she went inside and locked herself. Thank God, she's alive. If she didn't make a detour earlier, she might have been dead by now. Thanks to that creepy stalker earlier. She made her way to the bed and closed her eyes, not bothering to change her clothes.

  What she did is stripped of everything she wears except for her lingerie and wrapped herself with the blanket. She's very exhausted. She wants this day to be over. Tomorrow, it'll surely going to be exhausting again when she does her house haunting. She had decided that whatever happen to her and Jesse, she will stay her in Paris. And no one will stop her.

  There was a knock on the door that forced her to get up on check who's knocking. Jesse. She was rooted at her place, doesn't have any idea what to do. She wanted to shut the door on his face but her body says otherwise. Chloe widens her open of the door and let Jesse in. There's no going back now. He's already here, inside her room. There is no escaping for her no and the only thing she could do is accept the fact that this is their fate. And fate says talk to Jesse.

  "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your family? Or with Selene or Selena, whoever kissed you. Why did you even bother to talk to me now and not tomorrow. I want to sleep can you just leave?" Chloe said, more like shouting at Jesse. He just sat on the bed and looked at her. He looked so handsome. Contrary to what Caroline is always telling her. She said that her brother is always drinking and doesn't get enough sleep. Well, if that's true, he must've looked like a zombie by now.

  But he's not.

  "I am here to talk to you about what happened. I want to apologize because of what happened that night. And I am also here to tell you that I want to stay away from you, permanently. I don't want anything to do with you anymore so quit putting letters under my door because it'll just end up in the trash. I am with Selene now, so please just stop sending me letters and be happy." Jesse stood up and left her in her room.

  That's it? That is all he got to say? After everything that happen, he will leave her and be with that whore? She's suffocating, she can't breathe. How can Jesse do that to her? Chloe cannot believe it. Is this what she gets from running? She just tried to protect herself from more pain and this is what she gets?

  A loud sound blasted on her ears and her eyes opened. Shit, it was just a dream. She was panting. Chloe got up to get a glass of water and chugged that down, straight. She still can breathe properly and the pictures from her dream is still haunting her. Is that a warning? Is that what will happen when she finally sees Jesse again? She hopes not.

  Chloe went back to bed and closed her eyes. She tried her best to clear her mind and hoped that she will not have another dream. But she was mistaken, another nightmare plagued her sleep that had her up all night.

  I really have to talk to, Jesse.


  Look Who’s Back

  After their Paris getaway, her family finally went home to L.A. She was very happy that she finally found a place in Paris and there was a career already waiting for her there. Her parents gave her tons of money to put in to her account which she can use to start her life in Paris.

  The only thing she wants is to talk to Jesse. Caroline said he's back in the boarding house but he seemed like a ghost to her because she never seen him ever since, not even his shadow.

  But that's a good thing, I guess. She'll give him enough time to comply to everything he missed at school. That is more important, they can fix their problems some other time. She's starting to lose hope, but if their story ends tragically, then she doesn't have any choice but to accept it.

  Chloe doesn't have any class until after lunch so she decided to write more poems to add to her book. And of course, a poetry for him. It's been a long time since she made a poem. She's more focused on the play they'll do in a few days.

  You gave light to my dark world.

  Just the right amount of light to hide the chaos.

  Chaos that makes up the world.

  You make me see things little by little.

  So little that it's almost only you that I can see.

  Only you that I can feel.

  You shine upon me up in the sky.

  Together with your stars.

  You guard me when it's dark.

  You give light when I lose hope.

  You're always there for me.

  You're all I have with me.

  We're million miles away.

  But you still manage to make me smile.

  Smile that reach my eyes.

  All these is because of you my moonlight.

  This is the fifth letter that she will give him and yet he never showed his self. She
is already losing hope that he will really notice her. It has been a month but they are still not having any progress.

  Maybe it's better that way, just focus on your upcoming play this week. I swear if I see him again, I will not be swoon by his baritone voice or even his ocean eyes. I will not play nice with him anymore. That's a promise.

  Chloe is comfortably sitting on a bench in Heighfield University Park while listening to the music blasting through her ears. Next week, the university will showcase its best musical play for this year.

  "I have to focus on that play more since I am the one directing it." she said to herself with a nervous sigh. No, she's Chloe effing King, she must never feel nervous. She was born to hit the stage and that is what she will prove next week.

  Yes, that's it, Chloe, focus on more important things than dwelling on some douche-b's who never gave a damn about you! Chloe was about to stand up from her seat when someone threw a crumpled paper on from her back.

  Tuesday. Auditorium. 3pm