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SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 15
SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Read online
Page 15
With all her courage and all the tipsiness, she has in her body, she walked out the restroom. When her feet stepped outside the restroom, all eyes are on her. Some are giving her a glare for what she was wearing, while some are looking at her in awe. Chloe saw Caroline, Rebeca, and Lauren at the side smiling at her.
Most of the crowd are looking at her. Who wouldn't be? When she arrived a few hours ago, she looked like a pagan witch and now she's rocking her ravishing, very revealing, and very sultry Poison Ivy costume. It shows saw much skin so she didn't mind them at all.
She walked towards where Jesse is sitting, still with that slut bunny beside her. Chloe took a deep breath before walking straight towards him and sat on his lap. Jesse stilled and wrap his arm around her.
"What happened to your dress? Why did you change?" Jesse asked. She sensed that he is looking at her and only her. Gone the stares that he's been giving the slutty bunny who's been bugging him earlier.
"I've had a change of heart." was all she said. She's staring at the whore in front of her. "Who are you again? Does no one informed you that this is not a barn, you don't fit in here?”
Selena, or Selene, had her mouth wide. This girl is weak. What she said was so lame and now the slutty bunny is glaring at her deathly. She saw how the girl held on her cup tightly. Oh, I got her mad. Fun. Jesse stands her up and they both went to the dance floor where their friends are waiting for them.
They all started dancing and got lost to the rhythm of the music. They were all wild and not giving a damn about the people around them just like they don't give a damn about them.
All of them are having fun. Amidst the shits they faced tonight. It was easily forgotten. Jesse and her are just having fun, dancing, and laughing till there heart's content.
Both of them are enjoying their selves. Just the two of them, in their own private bubble again. Not caring if they are surrounded by people. Or the fact that there is an evil slut bunny around. Trying to ruin the both of them.
The beat of the music is blasting through her ears and she doesn't care. Most of the people around them are making out which is really gross. Chloe was about to lay her head on Jesse's neck when he suddenly turned around so quickly and the slutty bunny is now kissing him.
And to her surprise, Jesse held her head to deepen the kiss. She was just rooted on where she was standing and hand her eyes and mouth wide opened. She's boiling mad again and she can feel her heart getting pierced by thousands of needles.
It all happened so fast. Now Jesse and the whore distanced their selves from each other. She can feel tears on her eyes but she forced herself not to let it fall. Jesse faced her and she showed no emotion on her face. She just looked at them dead in the eyes then move a little bit closer to them.
"Hope you enjoyed it. We're done." she whispered.
With that she left the party. Not caring if she's wearing barely nothing. It's past midnight so there's no people outside. Or if there might be, just a few. She just kept on walking, not minding the catcalls she hears from the bystanders on the streets. When she reached the boarding school, she locked herself in her room and let her tears fall.
She will not waste all her time and energy for the man. That douche-b. She will never. Ever. Make herself a fool again.
Worlds Apart
It's been a week. And she never left her room. Luckily, she has a huge stash of foods hidden under her bed but is all just snacks. Just some junk foods and biscuits. At night, when all of them are sleeping. She will cook herself dinner and lock herself again in her room.
She never goes to her classes even if it's just a few minutes away from her boarding house. Chloe's just doing all her school tasks through her computer and she asks Caroline or any one of the girls to submit anything for her but the rest is her. She never left her room since the night she went home from Barry's party.
This is what she's afraid of in the first place. They've been rushing things in their relationship and now she's paying the price. It was a horrible move of her to not let Jesse explain his side, but what's there to explain? She saw how he deepened the kiss with that whore. And she will never forgive him for that.
"Chloe? It's me, Caroline. Can I come in?" Caroline is the only one she allows inside her room. The others, she just meets them at the door. She turned off her laptop and went to open the door. She let her friend in then she sat back again to her desk.
"What do you want, Caroline?" She doesn't understand why her friend needs to check up on her. She's fine. She's alright. Just because she ended up things with Jesse doesn't mean she's miserable.
Caroline went towards her and hold both of her hands. "Chloe, I know you're hurting. Look, I am mad at my brother because of what he did right in front of you. But please talk to him. He's losing his mind. We never attended any of his class, he didn't go home since he did the thing with Selena. And dad is having a hard time finding him."
Chloe just rolled her eyes at her friend and opened the door. "I don't want to be rude but, can you please leave. I told you I don't want to hear his name, I don't want to hear anything about him, and I don't like talking about it. Okay? Now, leave. See you at school tomorrow, yeah?"
"Yeah." Caroline walked out of her room and turned back again before she closed the door. "You know I'm always here for you, right?"
She just nodded and locked her door. Chloe went to her window seat and grabbed a book to read from the shelf nearby. She was wrong all along. No matter how hard she denies it, her heart still aches because of what Jesse did. He may not do it intentionally but it still broke her heart.
He's the only man she tried to let in her life except for her father and this is what she gets?
Her phone vibrated and she answered the call without looking at the caller ID. She doubts that it's Jessie caller her because ever since they last saw each other, he never dared to call her or come to her room. According to Caroline, he's been staying in a hotel near the school. She never asked more because she just wants to forget.
"Hi baby, I heard what happened. Are you---"
She cut off her mother before her could say anything that will piss her off. "Hello, mother. You want to go shopping? I'm free tomorrow. Maybe you should pick me up tomorrow."
Her mother remained silent on the other line for a couple of seconds before she agreed to go out with her tomorrow. "Sure, I'll pick you up tomorrow, we could have lunch tomorrow. And then some girl time. Just the two of us. I'll call you back tomorrow, okay. I love you."
"I love you, too, mom." With that she hangs up and saw surprise to see another call incoming. It's from Jesse. Wow, this is the first time she heard from him after a week. She contemplated if she's going to answer the call, and she decided to pick it up.
No words were heard from the other line. She, as well, didn't dare to talk. Chloe wants to hear his voice first before she says anything. It's been a couple of minutes but no one speak. She's getting tired of it so she ended the call. She waited long enough for him to speak to her but he never did.
A tear falls from her eyes and she immediately wiped it. "Be strong, Chloe. Don't let yourself be weaken by anyone. You don't need him. Be strong, Chloe. You're strong." Her tears streamed down her cheeks once again and she just lost it.
She let all the pain consume her. Chloe believes that there's beauty behind every pain. And this is it. She will get through this. The pain will disappear, she just needs time.
Chloe doesn't know how much time she spends on the window seat. But with all the crying she did earlier, she didn't notice that she fell asleep. The sun outside is nowhere to be found. She fixed herself and grabbed her phone. Today is the start of her reconciliation with herself. It's time to have harmony with herself again.
Being a fool for a man will not be her problem anymore. And since she'll not think of any one, anymore. It's time to have a time for herself now. Without the fear of anyone holding her back. She dialed her favorite restaurant and asked to deliver her to
ns of foods.
The people downstairs are surprised to see her heading down the stairs. She just smiled at her then head outside of the house. She sat in front of the front door and waited for her food to arrive. This is the first time she had a breathe of fresh air for a the past week. And it's fun to be outside of her room again. She felt someone sat beside her and drape a blanket over her shoulder.
"You shouldn't be out here. It's cold here." It was Blake. I wonder what he wants?
She wrapped herself tightly with the blanket and stared at Blake. "I'm fine. I'm just waiting for my food to arrive."
"How are you this day? I've never seen you out of your room for a week. I mean all of us are concern, you know. I know it's not my business but are you and Jesse okay?" Blake has been the first one to ask her if she and Jesse are okay. Because usually, it's always have been 'Are you okay?' not 'Are you and Jesse okay?' She wants to answer his question so bad but she doesn't want to speak on Jesse's behalf without them talking.
"Honestly, I don't know. I don't know if we're okay. I wish we were but I think he's had enough of me because he never, ever attempted to talk to me. He did once, earlier but he never spoke. So, I just ended the call. I mean if he doesn't want anything to do with me, why didn't he just say it? What's the point of calling on my phone then say nothing?"
Chloe thought that she's done crying but she's wrong. Every time someone speaks to her about Jesse, her heart always falls and tears automatically roll down her cheeks. Blake gathered her in his arms and she just cried until there's no tears inside of her left. Well, that's what she thought. But she is sure in just a few minutes, she'll be crying again.
"Is this where Chloe King lives? I have foods to deliver here." said by a guy on a motorcycle.
"That would be me." she went towards the motorcycle man and paid her fees. "Thank you." She walks to the door and saw that Blake was still sitting by the door. "We should head inside, it's cold out here."
Both of them entered the house and all of the people chilling on the living room stared at them. Caroline just smiled at her then continued with whatever she was doing with her laptop.
She heads upstairs and placed all of her food on her table. Chloe went back downstairs to get a pitcher of water and a few cans of beer.
She's going to have a hell of a stress eating tonight. When she got back from her room, she locked the door. After that, she turned off the lights and turned on the TV to watch her favorite movie.
While the movie is preparing to flash on the screen, she laid down all her foods on the bed and relaxed herself. Christina Aguilera's face, or Ali rather, was flashed on the screen and she watched every second on her favorite movie as she devours her foods.
It was fun hearing music and watching a movie and of course, devouring her food. She's enjoying every second of it. Every bite she does with the chicken. Every beat that came from her TV that she sings along with. And every knock on the door --- wait what?
Someone is knocking on the door but she cannot stand to open it because there's too much food in front of her that might mess the bed if she moved. She paused the movie with the remote then shouted on the door. "Use the key, I can't move."
The knocking on the door stopped then she continued watching the movie. It was the audition part. She always loved that part. Especially when she started dancing. Oh, she wishes she could dance like that. When she's dancing, it always looked like she's having a seizure.
She's munching on her fries as she watches the movie. Silently wishing that she's Ali. That she can be whatever she wants. She can do whatever she will. As long as her hearts contented. The lights suddenly opened and she was forced to squeeze her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I just want to check on you. Woah girl, I you trying to build your own KFC here? That's a lot of food." by the tone of the voice she knows it was Caroline. Who else would it be? She's the only one who dares to step into her room.
"Want some chicken?" she asks while reaching out to her the box of chicken she has. "Come on, get some."
"No thanks. I'm good." Caroline sat beside her and took her fries. "I'm here on behalf of everybody downstairs. They want to know if you'll be back to school tomorrow. You know, with our play right around the corner, I think it's best to show yourself up to class."
"And Mr. Clarkson gave us an ultimatum. If you don't show yourself until the end of the week, he'll be forced to stop our play. And Chloe, remember that it will affect all the seniors in our group. And most of us are senior. So, I say, you set aside whatever beef you have with my... with someone and comeback to us."
Caroline was right. This problem that she's letting herself consume her will affect not just her but their entire group. And she will not forgive herself if they fail. Forget about Jesse. Crap. Forget about herself. She'll gather herself together and show up to class tomorrow.
"Sure, I'll see you in class tomorrow. Can you leave now? I'm having an alone time here with myself." she smiled sweetly at Caroline and good thing she left her room after turning of the lights.
She went back to watching the movie and her appetite vanished when Ali and Jack are getting closer and closer with each other. How she missed having Jesse by her side watching the same movie she's watching now. Maybe this is how their story ends. Maybe they're better off without each other.
With her mood now soured, she turned off the TV and went to turn on the lights. Chloe gathered all the foods from her bed and went downstairs to shove it in the fridge. No one was there so she's free to move and to anything she wants without anyone constantly asking her if she's okay.
After messing around in the kitchen, she went back to her room and lay on the bed. She's just staring at the ceiling.
Thinking. Hoping that by tomorrow, everything will be alright. Tomorrow, she'll be back to her normal self. But she knows that is impossible without her setting the record straight with someone she needs to talk to.
New Leaf
"Okay, everybody. I'm back. So today what we are going to do is refreshing our minds and going back to the basics. There'll be some changes happening in our group since someone is being MIA for the past week. But not me, I'm back, so. Okay, I'll shut up now. Dean, you'll play the male lead. Get in the stage now, please."
Dean looked at her wide eye and confused. "But, Chloe. What about Jesse? He's the male lead here. I can't just---"
"Shh, shh. Dean, sweetie. When I say you'll play male lead, you'll play male lead. Okay? Okay. Let's go everybody get into work."
She sat on her chair and watch as everybody prepare to start the play. Caroline sat beside her as her assistant director and passed her the script and her notepad. It's been just a few hours since she got back and now she's very stressed and exhausted.
"Yes, Caroline. I'm fine thank you very much. Now let's get this play over with so we could all enjoy our Thanksgiving break." She really wanted to get out of this school so she could join her parents in Europe for Thanksgiving. They told her that they'll be back next year since her father's company can stand on its own without him.
Their play is going well so far. They only needed a few days and their done with everything. Then after their rehearsals are all finished, it's time for their Thanksgiving break, go back spend a little week with their class, then boom, play week starts.
After this hellish year, they'll be back again with their class, then spring break then few months more with their class, final exams. Then graduation. After her graduation, it's hello Paris for her. There's no stopping her now.
Caroline's voice suddenly blasted on her ears that woke her up from her deep thoughts. "Billy, you're doing the lines wrong. Oh my god people! Wake up. This play is just a few weeks away and you're all acting weird."
"Shh, Care, shut up. Guys let's just to do the scene again. Billy, it's okay to do adlib okay. Don't mind her, she's stress." Chloe looked at Caroline and she immediately sensed that something is off. "Okay, guys five-minute break.
No, make that ten. Come on, Care."
She pulls Caroline out of the hall and they both went to the restroom. She checked first if all the cubicles are empty then she locked the door when she saw that they are alone.
Her friend is now looking pale so she knows that something is not going well with her. It's so unlikely for Caroline to be weird. She knows her best friend so well. It's like they are twins. She can feel if her friend is pain.
"Hey, is there something bothering you? Caroline, this isn't you. I know you, and I know if something is bothering you." She's getting nervous as the time passes when Caroline is not answering her. Now her friend has tears rolling down her cheeks.
Chloe has no idea what is happening but she had the urged to give her friend a hug hoping that it will lighten whatever she's feeling. Caroline just kept on crying in her shoulder. Luckily, after a couple while, Caroline stopped crying but she is still sobbing.