SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Read online

Page 12

  "What about you and Jesse? Are you two okay? I don't mean to pry, but the last time we all saw you with him was when you got back from Paris weeks ago, and we all felt tension between you two. Then he just moved out of the house."

  Yes, he was right. Jesse indeed moved out of the house, but only temporary. "We're okay, we talked before he left. And about that thing when we went home, that was nothing, we just had a little misunderstanding that cut our trip short, but we're okay now. Actually, he told me that he'll stay with his parents for a while because he's father wanted him to inherit their company since Caroline doesn't want anything to do with it."

  Blake just nodded and continue eating. While she put her plate on the sink then head up to her room. She went to the shower and change her clothes to her sleep wear. After that, Chloe went to her bed and powered up her laptop.

  There's still a lot of things she needs to finish for their play. Not to mention all the school works she needs to comply before their winter break. And aside from her school works, she also needs to finish her manuscripts for her poetry books. Some of it needs revisions. Because of the conversation she had with Jesse a few weeks ago, she is now determined to finish all of her works.


  "Ginger, we should talk." Jesse said from outside her room. He's been knocking for a few minutes now but she never dared to open the door. She's still pissed at him after what he did in Paris. It felt like he doesn't like her to achieve her dreams, that is why she isn't talking to him.

  "Go away Jesse, I want to rest." She was already laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. The knocking on the door already stopped. Chloe set out a sigh of relief. Finally, he stopped. She wrapped her comforter around her when she heard her window opened. She jumped off her bed and quickly grabbed the baseball bat beside her bed. Chloe was preparing herself to pound the baseball bat on the burglar on the head when she saw that it was Jesse.

  She put down the baseball bat and looked at him angrily. "What the hell are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be her. Get out!"

  Jesse just shushed her and sat on her bed. "Don't shout the others are already sleeping. I wanted to talk to you, and since you don't want to open the door, I head for the window."

  "What do you want to talk about? We can do it tomorrow, I'm already sleepy please."

  He sighed and went of the bed then walked towards her. "Okay. But please hear me out first. I'll be quick. I just want to say I'm sorry because of the way I acted when we were in Paris. I just realized that surely you already had plans to do before you met me, I was just scared of the fact that you'll leave. My mother already left me; I don't want you to do the same. But yes, I shouldn't have ignored you that day. Forgive me?"

  What's there to forgive? Her anger already melted away days ago. She's just very stressed lately that is why she is cranky all day.

  "Forgiven, now get out. I want to sleep."

  But Jesse didn't move. She tried to push me out of the room but he kept on coming back. So, she didn't waste her energy for him and just wrapped herself with her comforter and lay on the bed.

  "Ginger, can I sleep here?" Jesse asked. She didn't reply but she scooted over to give him space where he immediately laid down. He wrapped his arm around her and now she's laying her head on it, while the other arm is wrapped on her waist.

  They were very quiet the entire time. She closed her eyed hoping that she can sleep, but before she gets lost in her dreams, she heard Jesse spoke.

  "I love you, Ginger."

  "I heard that."

  She felt Jesse smiled but never said a thing. She went back to sleep with a smile on her lips.


  Chloe's phone rang and she answered it. It's from Jesse. "Hey, you're still awake, it's passed nine already."

  "Yes, I'm still working on our script. How about you, are still in your father's office? You should head home; you always sleep late." Ever since Jesse moved out of the house, he always stay late at his father's office. He told her that he was tons of paper works to study and it's making him insane.

  Jesse sighed on the other line "I already told my dad that handling a company is not my thing. I'll enjoy it even more if I'm directing a film, but no, he wants me to run an empire. But I don't want to let him down. Caroline already turned down his offer, I'm the only child left. And I owe everything to him. After mom died, he was there for me. Maybe I'll just endure a few weeks more. After this, I'll go back there. Okay? Now go to sleep. I'll fetch you tomorrow for lunch."

  Finally, some alone time with Jesse. It's been a long time since they went out together. "Okay, take care. Love you."

  "I love you, too."

  The line died. Chloe turned off her computer and went to bed. She's worried about Jesse. He's been working all day. After school he will go straight to his father's office to learn everything about their business. If it's up to her, she will just barge into that office and tell Jesse's father to let him rest. But she knows it's not her place to do that.

  She closed her eyes and sleep. Today is very tiring and also very stressful. They've all been through tons of ups and downs for the past few weeks. But they just kept on holding on and keep their selves collected. But most of all is having all of the faith you can have. Nothing can help you get through a tough and rough path other than determination and faith. And also, a little bit of love.


  Selena Or Selene? Or Maybe Both?

  Jesse indeed fetches her in the boarding house before lunch. They drove their way to the Universal Studios to spend their day together. Tomorrow their classes will start again and after that, Jesse will have to work again in his father's office. That is why they'll get the most of their time for today because they never know when they will have time for each other again.

  As they entered the theme park, she can't help but feel excited. The last time she visited a theme park was when she was 17 and that was in Disneyland. After that, she focused herself more on books and theatre. And of course, a little bit of the weird stuff, like learning about voodoo and witchcraft which her mother finds very terrifying.

  Looking at herself in a place like this is very ridiculous. She looked like a kid lost in a candy shop. The place is very big but is seems like Jesse knows the entire place so she just led him lead her to anywhere he wants. They tried a few rides and checked out a few attractions in the vicinity.

  "Ginger, stand over there." Jesse said while pointing at the enormous globe with the words 'Universal Studios' wrapped around it. She stands there and awkwardly smiled at Jesse's camera. It's really weird visiting a place like this.

  "I looked like a kid; you know?" She walked towards Jesse and grabbed the camera from him. "Stand there." Jesse obliged and he too smiled awkwardly at the camera. Now, have a taste of your own medicine. It was very embarrassing that they act like a kid around the amusement park. But can they blame their selves? It's been a long time since they entered an amusement park.

  They rode more rides like a rollercoaster. They were waiting in line for the roller coaster and she can feel Jesse's hand getting sweaty over her shoulders. Well, he wanted to ride that thing so he better endures it. The line is getting short is so is her excitement. From where she is standing, she can hear the screams of terror by the people on the roller coaster. And now she wants to back out, but it's already too late because they were next in line.

  When the crew let them in the ride, she hands are very shaky. She took a glance at Jesse and she can't help but laugh when she saw her very pale. "Don't shit on your pants, Jesse. Or else I'll leave you." She's still laughing but it suddenly went to a halt when she felt the rollercoaster cart moving slowly. Now she regrets agreeing to Jesse's date idea.

  She's bracing herself of what might happen. Her heart is pumping so fast as the cart went up. And because of too much fright, she grabbed Jesse's hand and squeezed it tight while waiting for their seat to drop. And when it did, she screamed at the top of her lungs and closed her eyes. But when she slowly
endured the excitement, she tried to open her eyes and did her best to enjoy the fall. And now she's screaming not because of the being scared but because of the excitement crawling through her veins.

  Adrenaline is pumping all over her system and she wanted more. But unfortunately, the ride already slowed down when they went down and then it finally stopped. She was laughing to herself as she survived her first rollercoaster ride. She looked at Jesse who was paler than he was before the ride started.

  "Tell me you didn't shit in your pants Jesse." She is laughing as she watched Jesse get out of the cart and swayed from side to side towards the exit. She's still laughing at him but ran her distance to him and supported him in his walk by draping his arm over her shoulder.

  He is kinda heavy, good thing she found a seat just a few steps outside the ride. Chloe led Jesse to have a seat there. They were sitting in the bench she found and rest for a while. Slowly, Jesse's condition finally went well. He can now sit straight again but still a little paler. She looked around to see if she can find something to eat. There she found a doughnut shop. "I'll just buy some food over there, stay right here."

  She walked towards the shop and went to the counter. She bought a box of doughnuts and two iced coffee. The place has a nice ambiance and it's a great place to spend some time. She was sitting on the chair by the window while waiting for her order to be down when she saw a girl talking to Jesse. Chloe cannot see the girls face because her back is facing her. Maybe just someone asking for directions.

  Chloe waited for a couple minutes more before her order was sent to the table. It was very crowded that day that is why her order took so long to be done. She walks toward where Jesse was sitting and saw the girl still there. It looks like Jesse was bothered by her because he is now standing and looking around the place. He must be looking for her now. But the lady in front of him was so persistent and even wrapped her hands around Jesse's arm that made her pissed.

  "Hi, baby. I'm back." It's very unusual for her to call him baby but it startled the girl in front of them so it's a good idea.

  "Excuse me, Miss do you need something?" she asked. Wait, I know this girl. She's the lady from the cafeteria who was looking at her deadly before. What a small world. "Wow, aren't you from Heighfield? I always see you around campus. You know, always giving me deadly stares."

  The woman in front of her had her mouth open and is just staring at her. Finally, after a couple of seconds she finally composed herself to talk. "I'm Selene, and you are? You're kinda interrupting us so, shoo."

  What a nerve this lady has. She's crazy. Her blood is already boiling because she's too pissed and irritated with this girl but she still tried her best to talk politely but a little threatening. "I'm Chloe King. His girlfriend. And if I were you, I will remove my hand from is arm because I don't want to be slap across my face so damn hard. Now, shoo."

  Chloe grabbed Jesse by the hand and just left Selene standing there like an idiot. She took a look back and saw her still looking at them now with her hands fisted and giving them contemptuous look. She looked away from her and continued walking with Jesse.

  "I'm sorry about that. But she was persistent. I already told her that I'm with someone and I'm waiting for her to arrive. But that lady was so crazy, then she started talking about having a crush on me and all that. Good thing you arrived before she does something crazier." Jesse led her to a bench where they enjoyed their doughnuts and coffee. They were just sitting there and looking at the kids who were having fun around.

  She finished her third and doughnut and half of her coffee. "That's okay. At least you didn't do anything that will piss me off even more. Do you go to a same class with her? 'Coz I don't, I mean I don't even know what major she's in. She acts so unprofessional."

  Jesse laughed while still eating his doughnut and looking at the people passing by. "Yes, there's this one class I have with Miss Roth. And she's very irritating. Such an attention seeker. Mike and Dean was only in the same class as us, and they were messing with her. But it seems like she's very fond with boys because she doesn't have any idea that she's being played."

  "Maybe she likes all the attention she gets. Enough about her. Let's try more rides." They stood up and threw the box and cups on the trash bin nearby. They continued roaming around the place and entering more rides. They also bought tons of souvenirs life charms and toys and robes from the Harry Potter shop.

  It was a very great day for the two of them. They enjoyed every ride they try as well as the foods they saw and thinks that are worth trying. Chloe was very happy that they had the time to spend their day together. She missed hanging out with Jesse. And she is grateful for the day they had, even if there are hindrances for their fun, they still manage to have the date that they deserve.

  So far, their day was amazing. Just laughing and walking around the amusement park. Sometimes they will stop on some benches and rest for a while. Then after that they will continue to walk again. Try some rides if they see something exciting. And stop on some place with a nice view to take a picture.

  The day was very special for them, especially for her. She can't wait to go home to print out all of the pictures they took and add it on her photo wall inside her room. Days like this are the ones she cherishes the most, because she doesn't know when things like this will happen again.

  At 4 pm, she finally left the tiredness in her body. They decided to have dinner somewhere near the campus. But before they head out of the amusement park, she went to the restroom to freshen up a bit and changes her shirt that has been sweaty all day.

  The line in the restroom was so long. That is why it took her so long. Finally, when she was already inside, she moved fast for her to get home early, they still have classes tomorrow and because of that, they have to be home before 7 pm. In the restroom, she changed her clothes and touched up her make up a little bit. Then she brushed her hair that was a bit messy because of the wind when they tried some rides.

  After spending a couple of minutes in the restroom, she finally looks decent and head out and looked for Jesse. He was standing at near the exit of the restroom holding yet another coffee for the two of them. But what made her eyebrows raise is Selene bothering him again.

  Well, that was annoying.

  Chloe walked towards them and placed herself between them. Selene looked surprised of her arrival. But she's is more surprised to see this lady in front of them again. Didn't she told this girl earlier to stay away from them? She's having a stare down with the lady in front of her. And the nerve of this woman. She didn't back down. Impressive.

  "Didn't I told you to stay away from us or else you face will meet my fist? Do you want a sample of that? What is your problem Selene?"

  The woman backed away a little and looked at her from head to toe. She's thankful that she's a bit taller than this gruesome lady in front of her. "I'm sorry, I would never let you have a piece of me." then she rolled her eyes at her. "And is that Selene you said. You better get your info right, darling. The name's Selena. Selene is my twin. She's a copycat, a rip-off."

  So they’re twins. Now, I have tons of competitors. She doesn't know what is up with that two that they keep on going after Jesse. It's so crazy. "Please tell your sister to stay away from us. And that goes to you as well."

  "Selena, we've been looking for you." A woman from behind then shouted. And when she sees her face, she was very surprised. So, this is her mother.

  "Emily. Wait, she's your daughter." She still can't believe that the two bitches are Emily's daughter. She pities her.

  Selena's mother looked at her with confusion in her eyes. She's looking intently at her, then she looked at her daughter who has a nervous look in her face. Then her twin was running toward them. What a great way to end my day. She immediately knew that they are just wasting their time having this stare off that will lead them to nothing.

  "Miss King, is there any problem? It looks like you are not in good terms with my daughter."

y, I am not in good terms with both your daughters Emily. Please tell them to stay away from us because they've been irritating the hell out of me the whole day. Thank you."

  With that, Jesse grabbed her by the hand and led her out of the park. Her day is now ruined, first by Selene and now, by her bitchy sister, Selena. What an odd way to end a very fantastic experience.

  Chloe knew the first time she saw one of the twins that they are nothing but trouble. Those deathly glares that they've been giving her, she knew from that moment that they'll play a part in their lives. Now, it's finally here. And she's scared that one of them might take Jesse away from her.

  When they reached the parking lot, they quickly get in and drove away from the park. Her excitement for their dinner is now vanished. She doesn't want to go out anymore because she's afraid that what happen with Selene and Selena will sour the mood of their dinner.