SZNS SERIES 1: Summer Page 11
"The reservation was done by your parents. They also wanted to pay for the expense but I told them I'll take care of it. And besides, it's my birthday gift for you. With a little help from your parents of course." Jesse said while they are still walking towards the tower. Of course, her parents had something to do with this. They kidnapped them in the first place so, she shouldn't be surprise that they are behind this over-the-top birthday dinner.
"So, this is like our first date. Ever. Wow, this is kinda fancy for first date." She said that made Jesse laugh. They both walked towards the tower where a lot of people are having fun.
They reached the tower and rode the elevator that will take them to the first floor where 58 Tour Eiffel is located. She cannot believe she's finally making her dreams come true. When the doors of the elevator opened, she held her breath as she looked at the magnificent view of the Champ de Mars from below.
Before, she cannot imagine making her dreams come true, but now she's finally here. Maybe France is the best place to live after college. Forget about Los Angeles, she'll live here in Paris next year after she graduate. In here, she knows she can find a best career.
Jesse escorted her inside the restaurant where they were led to their table. Everything looks fancy. She had a peek of the great view the place has to offer from where she is sitting.
"Thank you for taking me here. I can't believe I'm here. I can't wait to tell my mom to find me a place here after college."
"You'll live here? As in for good?" Jesse asked. He seemed surprise by her plans. She planned of moving out of L.A after college and nothing can stop her from doing that.
Chole sit straight and looked at Jesse intently "Yes, actually, I was planning on moving somewhere after college for a long time now. I can't just stay in one place. I need some change in scenery. And Paris is not that bad, right?"
He didn't say a thing and just stared outside. Did I say something wrong? He seemed pissed at what she said. She wanted to ask why but she's afraid that their conversation won't turn out good so she decided to just shut her mouth.
She doesn't have the slightest idea why he was pissed. When their food arrived, Jesse was just silently eating. It hurts her that he's not talking to her. Chloe didn't even know if she said something that might have offended him. Is it about her moving in to Paris next year? Was that the reason why he's pissed at her? If that's what making him sulk, then she thinks it's best not to move here.
"Jesse, I'll just stay in L.A, I don't think my mother can find a place for me here. It's a bit expensive there but that will do. Just please talk to me. Stop sulking, you look like a brat."
Still, no answer from him. And she's starting to be pissed as well. She tried her best to calm herself. Luckily, it worked. But she can't still help but roll her eyes at Jesse for acting like that. She cannot understand why moving here to Paris is such a problem.
After dinner, they decided to went back to the hotel. Jesse was still quiet. They waited for a while for the car to arrive and drove back to their place. In the car, she took her phone from her purse and message her mother. If Jesse is still like this until they arrive at the hotel, she will leave early in the morning. She doesn't like being surrounded by stubborn people.
Her mother didn't reply to her message. She must be busy. I'll just gave her a call later. The car stopped in front of the hotel building and Jesse head out of the car. She was surprised when he opened the car door for her. They both entered the building and head for the elevator.
They were both quiet inside the elevator, she can feel tension coating around them. But she just kept quiet as always, afraid that she might say something that she'll regret. The door opened at the eighth floor then Jesse walked out without waiting for her. So, she quickly pressed nine button and the elevator brought her to the ninth floor where her room is.
As she opens the door of her room, tears are falling down her eyes. She can't believe her night ended like this. Why can't he understand that maybe there is a future waiting for her here? That she's doing this for her future? What is so wrong about her plans that Jesse couldn't understand how important that is to her?
Her phone rang and made her wiped her tears. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was her mother. Chloe calmed herself before answering the call. "Hi mom, how's Bordeaux? You guys having fun?" she asked hoping that her mother won't notice that she has been crying. But who is she joking? Mother knows best.
"Chloe, have you been crying? Where's Jesse? What happen?" Her mother threw her tons of questions and there she knew that her mother is worried.
"Jesse happened mom. I told him that I plan to move here in Paris next year after college. But his not thrilled of the news. He didn't talk to me after that. What should I do? I mean, he should understand that, right? If he really loves me, he'll let me do things that makes me happy. Like what dad is doing for you. Right?"
"Well, honey, did Jesse tell you that he loves you already?"
That made her dumbstruck. Not even once did Jesse told her that he loves her. But she can feel it. Action speaks louder than voice. He may not tell her that but she knows it's just there. "No, he hasn’t. But still, he should be happy for me. Instead, she sulked like a three-year old and didn't talk to me for the rest of our dinner."
"Chloe, if he still didn't talk to you until tomorrow, I think it's best for us to go home. We're on our way to Paris, we'll book in the same hotel you're in. I'll go visit you tomorrow morning. For now, clear your mind and rest. Everything will pass tomorrow, I promise you."
She and her mother talked more for a couple of seconds before hanging up. Maybe she's right. It will all pass tomorrow; they just need a little time to think. Chloe cleared her mind and went to take a bath, she submerged herself in the water until her lungs ache and craved for air. It took her awhile before deciding to go to bed.
The next day, her mother went to her room to bring her breakfast. After eating, her parents brought all of her stuff down and put it in the car.
"We'll roam around the area for a few hours. Will be back before lunch; I'll text you the place so we could have a meal together." Her father said then head out of her room. A few minutes after they left, they she grabs her purse and went to Jesse's room. She's sure that the brat douche-b is still sleeping.
And she was right, her hands are already sore from knocking on the door but the door is not opening yet. She checked-out of the hotel and went out hoping to see something that will calm her down. While walking on the streets, she saw a bookshop that sells cheap books so she went in. The smell of books is all around the air and it somehow calmed her.
She bought everything that she wants and head out of the store to walk some more. It took her hours to calm, and what she means by calm is carrying tons of bags with some random stuff that she bought.
Her phone rang so she doesn't have a choice but to put down all the shopping bags first then get her phone. There are two messages, one from her mother, and one from Jesse. She decided to read her mother's message first. It was the place where they'll have lunch. It's twenty minutes away. She hails the cab that's coming her way and shove every shopping bags she has inside.
Inside the cab, she gave the driver the address and read Jesse's text.
'Where are you? No one's in your room. I've been knocking for a while now.'
That's what you get for not opening the door for me earlier. She didn't answer his question but she forwarded him the message her mother sent her. It was an uneventful ride to the restaurant. It was the most boring half an hour in her life. Maybe it was more fun if Jesse is with her, but she knows that it’s very impossible to happen right now.
When she reached the restaurant, her father is already outside waiting for her. He took all the bags from her and loaded it on the car. Her luggage that they took earlier are nowhere to be found. They must have put it on the private jet already.
She entered the restaurant together with his father and they saw her mother busy reading the menu. "Chloe, gre
at you're here. I already ordered for you and Jesse, but if you like something let's just tell the waiter. Where's Jesse, aren't you with him?”
"No, I was ---" she was cut off of her words when someone spoke behind her.
"I'm here, Mrs. K. Sorry for being late. I woke up late this morning plus I have been looking everywhere for Chloe." then he sat beside her and look at her "Where have you been, Ginger."
Wow, so we're back to Ginger now? That's nice. Looks like the brat is now tamed. Cool!
"Shopping." was all she said. She tried and hungry. And she wanted to sleep after this. After a few minutes of waiting, their orders arrived. She quickly devoured her food. Her shopping spree made her so famished.
Her parents are talking animatedly while she and Jesse are just quietly eating their meal. They didn't dare talked to each other. She's sensing if he'll talk to her first. Chloe is just waiting. But a couple of minutes had passed but he's not yet talking to her. So, she spoke but not intended to him. Both of them are done eating and just sipping their drinks. And still no one dared to make the first move.
"Mom, what's the plan after eating? Can we go home after? I want to sleep in the plane, I'm so tired. I slept late last night." she asked. She's really getting bored with this trip. It's her first time here in Paris yet her excitement vanished because of what happened last night. And it seems like Jesse doesn't give a damn if she wants to go home after lunch.
Her mother looked at her then shook her head. "No, sweetie. You'll go home with Jesse; we'll take you to the airport. Your father and I will stay here for a week more." Her mother looks very excited that they'll be staying here for one more week. Well, it's been a long time since she and her father went on a vacation alone. Usually, she always tags along that is why they don't really have time for themselves.
"If that's so, I have to go back to the hotel, Mrs. King. I didn't bring my stuff with me."
"I'll come with him mom." She looked at Jesse and raised her eyebrows at him. "Like, right now. Let's go."
They both head out of the restaurant and hopped in her father's car. The drive back to the hotel was calm. So far, murder isn't happening yet. She's very eager to talk to him, but she swore not to speak until he talks to her. And it seems like they were thinking the same thing.
After getting the Jesse's stuff on his hotel room, they headed to the airport where the plane is waiting for them. She texted her mom and told her that they should get the car as they were headed hope in which her mother agreed.
Inside the plane, Jesse was helping the flight crew with all of their baggage, well mostly her baggage. She took a seat on her usual place in the plane. Chloe asked the attendant for an eye mask and comforter, to which she obliged. After getting everything, she needs, she wrapped it around her and prepared herself to sleep. Jesse who was done arranging their stuff sat beside her.
She can't help it anymore so she leaned her head on his shoulder. And to her surprise, Jesse placed a soft kiss on her head before she closed her eyes with a smile on her lips. She knew it. She knows she'll win. And later on, Jesse will have no choice but to talk to her.
I swear to every saint I know, when we get back to L.A., you'll have tons of punches from me, Jesse.
And with that she went into a deep slumber.
Rain Doesn’t Last Forever
Weeks after they went back from Paris, the team already started rehearsing the play they will do before their winter break. The script was already approved by their professor, Mr. Clarkson, that is why today they are in the theatre hall rehearsing. So far, all they ever do is mess up.
"Cut! What is happening guys? We've been doing this for the rest of the day and still we haven't perfected it. Is there something you're not comfortable doing, because we'll change it if that's so?”
Caroline, her assistance director, is now getting irritated because of the output everybody is showing. It felt like their heart is not on what they’re doing.
She stood up and grab the megaphone from the side. "Alright, everybody five-minute water break, let's go." Chloe went to grab the script and went to Katherine. She's been having a hard time with her lines, so she'll help her with whatever problems she has.
"Hey, Kath. I saw that you are having a hard time with your lines. Is there a problem? If you cannot memorize it, you could improvise." she said. Chloe can sense that Katherine is hesitant to say something so she didn't force her. Surely, it's a personal matter or else she won't hesitate to share something to them.
After their water break everybody went back to her places and start over. On stage, they have Katherine and Jesse. It was just a cliché love story but they decided to make it musical to add a little sass on it. It took them five more hours to rehears before they call it a day.
"Chloe, I'll leave now. My father wants me in his office in 30. I'll be back maybe tomorrow night or by Monday. Take care, okay?" Jesse told her. His now working with something from his father's company that's why his rarely seen in the house for the past few weeks since they got back from Paris.
She nodded before Jesse giving her a peck on the lips then head out of the campus with his duffle bag.
They all headed to the boarding house to rest. When she entered her room, she quickly freshened up and get ready to cook dinner. It's Saturday, therefore she's assigned with cooking their foods. She heads downstairs and started cooking pasta.
She went with a simple creamy shrimp pasta. Everyone was still either in their room or in the living room playing video games. She's busy in the kitchen when she noticed Katherine entered and sat on the stool behind the counter.
Chloe looked intently at her and observed her. She knows that something is up with Katherine and it's making her uneasy. She knows there is something she can do to help. "Katherine, you okay? You seemed, I don't know, not yourself today. Is everything okay?"
"Chloe, I will back out for the play. I'll be gone for a while; I don't know for how long." Katherine looked so sad while she’s talking. Well, who wouldn't be sad? Katherine is one of the best people she encountered and it'll be very lonely to see her go. Chloe turned off the stove and went to the counter.
She went to sit in front of her and looked at her. "Is there something you want to talk about? I'll listen. You can tell me anything. And if you want it to stay just between us, I'll do it."
Katherine took a deep breathe before speaking "Honestly, it was very embarrassing, but I just forced my dad to fund my tuition for this school. We actually cannot afford here. Unfortunately, I was called to the administration office yesterday because I haven't paid my fees yet, and I'm afraid that I cannot pay everything I have to pay. That is why, I'm dropping out."
That is why she's not herself today, because she has financial problems. "Katherine, you don't have to drop out. This is your dream; you can't just quit on it. if you want something, pursue it. And if you're having a hard time, don't hesitate to reach out to others. That is why we are here; we'll help you in any way we can. Besides, we already did a canvas of the group’s expenses for the year, Caroline and I will lend you the rest of our money to help you."
"But I don't know if I could pay you back, I have to look for a job to paid for my father's bills and mine. Maybe you could just give my part to the others, maybe Ashley could do it, or anyone. Just let me go for a while, I'll find something that can ease what I'm going through right now."
Now, Katherine is crying. She hopped off her seat and gave Kath a hug. She didn't know that her friend is facing a very tough problem. And like her mother always says, if someone needs a hand, never think twice. If you have the capability to do, then you must. Whether it's a friend or not. She's trying her best to calm her down, but she's not good at it.
"I'm always here for you, Kathy. I'll help you in any way I can."
Some of their friends already entered the kitchen and saw the scene between her and Katherine. She gave them a smile didn't say anything. Lauren, went to prepare the table for all of them with
the help of Kayla and Daya. While the rest went to them to ask what's going on.
Katherine went on to tell everybody the problem. And just like what she thought, all of them are ready to helped Katherine. They all looked after each other and that is what she loved most about this family that they have created.
They all enjoyed the dinner that she prepared. Everybody was talking animatedly with Katherine. So far, her mood lightens with the thought that she doesn't have to drop out of school. She was finishing her dinner when Blake sat down beside her and passed her a bottle of beer.
For the past months, Blake has been a good friend not just to her but for everybody. And she's very grateful to have someone like Blake with them.
"Are you okay, Chloe? You seemed down today?"
She looked at Blake while drinking her beer. It's very unusual for him to ask her if she's okay, he's a good friend but they are not really that close. That is why him asking her if she's okay is really an eyebrow raiser for her.
"I'm fine, I'm just tired. You know, it's a crazy day for all of us." Chloe continued eating while still conversing with Blake. It's has been the first time that they talked that long. Usually, he is always with either Max, David, or Jesse. It is very rare to see Blake talking to a girl, so him talking to her is a first.